Out with Roon, in with the Naim app

I use Focus to provide me with a bookmark of unplayed albums and recently played.

Does sound like your not using it in enough ways to justify it. I was just giving examples of what Roon discovery is to me and its not all AI suggestions which most seem to thing is what discovery via Roon is, but is it goes way deeper than that. Its all about convenience and whats important to each user. Now I have tasted this it very hard to go back, for yuo not so.

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Focus in constant use here, I use it in conjunction with bookmarks to segment off my library, best way in Roon to navigate a large library and find your favourites or just something you have not listened to for while.

Oh, if I was dependent on those functionalities moving away would not have been an option. But I find myself just wanting to put something on and get lost in it than to dig into the stats and recommendations.

Somehow I still find enough new stuff to keep me going, luckily.

In visual entertainment I am the total opposite. Will scroll for hours on end and read up reviews and such to the point where I would sometimes end up not watching anything at all if it was not for the wife suddenly going: “PUT SOMETHING ON NOW, WILL YOU??!!”


Same here. For me the app has improved substantially and I am content with it now. Like you I went for Roon as I was having a poor experience with the Naim app.


I haven’t really tried Focus, I’m not even sure what it does?

I discovered Cocteau Twins by listening to the radio like most folks in the 80s. :smiley:

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It’s a filter that you can then name and save for future use.

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It’s a way of filtering your library to show only the specifics you want, you can build a filter
with one or many different focus options to show only the things you want. Many can be inverted to exclude those items. You can then save as a bookmark for quickly applying it again at any time which will update automatically when you add anything else to your library that matches the criteria. It also sticks on that view on that remote until you clear it. It’s useful for playlist building if that’s your thing. I just use it to give me ideas of what to play from my library usually stuff I have not listen to for a set time.

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My point was the link between Massive Attack and the Cocteau Twins wouldn’t have been there without Roon, not for me anyway.

I have to admit I’m surprised you hadn’t discovered them on your own but perhaps you’re younger than the typical member here. That aside, many years ago (90s) I discovered allmusic.com which is great for discovering music so a quick look there and you would’ve discovered them.

This :+1:

I wouldn’t have listened to them in the 80s even if I had heard them. My musical tastes have expanded with the passage of time.
You are aware of what the connection is?

Same here, once the Roon Core was on a NUC following the release of ROCK that was it, it was staying. Took a little longer to get all the playback options and routes sorted.
Roon ARC, as a mobile endpoint of your music system with full lossless playback while out & about is a very interesting development, presently used daily.

That doesn’t make sense to me. Are you saying you would have intentionally not listened to them if you had heard of them? My music tastes have never stopped evolving and I’ve discovered loads of music I would never have listened to on my own. I started using allmusic in 90s and it’s a great resource for discovering new music.

The bands are connected b/c MA attack were largely influenced by CT. But you may have discovered CT when Elizabeth Fraser was touring with Massive Attack some years back.

They didn’t fit my musical interests in the 80s so I wouldn’t have taken much notice. I never listened to the radio either as it was just pop music.

It was the Elizabeth Fraser connection. Roon just made it dead easy (two taps and I was on her page) to see who was singing so I ended up playing some CT.

The hyperlink style has had me listening to music I wouldn’t have normally played. This is good.

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Ok gotcha, we had alternative and college radio stations here in the states that were pretty good about playing the non conforming unpopular music. I also hung out at record stores where I was exposed to different music. US corporate radio is pretty much responsible for me falling out of love with most classic rock. I considered Roon b/c I’m on a legacy streamer and was having issues getting bubble soft to work on my NAS, luckily a bubble soft container has everything working now but I figure the clock’s ticking on that so I may revisit Roon at some point. Hopefully a 272 replacement will have materialized before then.

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I’m saying nuffink :open_mouth::wink:

Legacy streamer user here too. I used Bubble Server previously, indeed it’s on my Roon laptop as a backup should it ever be needed.

My original hifi shop also got me into stuff that was way different to what I listened to as a teenager and my early twenties. I still listen to that music but more and more different things as I got older.


I got into Naim because of Roon, searched for streamers that were aesthetic pleasing and had a cover art screen displayed, liked the Naim aesthetic and brought an NDX2, then an Atom HE and then a Supernait 3.

So I did not acquired Roon because of Naim, aquired Naim product because of Roon.


Now I remember why I ended up not using it. It only filtered my library. I already have a good idea of what is in my library (not a huge library). And I wanted it to add things outside my library as well for discovery.