Paris 2024

Only 68 million french people to go…

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If that ballon takes off back down the seine ffsk!

Ah now, that’s nice.

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My tv wants to shut down now. My tv!

Should have been The Tower…

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Yeh ours has just done that, you’ve been watching the same channel for six million years. Time to go to bed…

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Should have been on one of the boats.

There she is - at last!

:confounded: :man_shrugging:

What a bloomin’ racket!

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Thank god for that

Or the balloon!

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Is it over? This was it? Ballon will light Eiffel up?

Sunday roast?

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Don’t jump!

It’s more of a warm glow than a flame really !

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See you all in 16 days for more bonkers ‘entertainment’…

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The way it’s going it might be Monday nights shepherds pie. Ha no who invited her, I waited up all night for this.

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Just waiting for a villain in a wheelchair with a joystick console to over-ride the balloon controls and pilot it away :joy::joy::joy:

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Nadia Comenechi btw…