Paris 2024


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The BMX is mad/crazy/dangerous. Fantastic to watch.


It’s a great story her brother was world camp and suffered a life changing accident in 2020. She also had a crash in Tokyo that almost ended her career.

Can we have one per land mass?

This overcrowded little island might do quite well in that one!

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BBC coverage lost the plot now.

Jumping from sport to sport every few minutes is bad enough but with so much sport on today they instead repeatedly just put out OB/studio wibling and are now interviewing a GB medal winner who they already interviewed last night!



4 years of effort by Azu in the 100m undone by 0.07 seconds then.


(NB. Switched to Eurosport)


Can’t help thinking they should revert to 1 false start gets a yellow, a second a red…

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Yes it always seems a bit harsh but I remember races with up to about half a dozen false starts!

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That’s a shame we 18 channels online and 3 live tv channels all free to air. It’s protected by anti siphoning laws here, you really need to let your local member know how unfair this is your taxes contribute to the Olympic team.

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Eurosport seems fine. Quite a few channels, and no jumping around.


BBC ‘public’ funding is a hot political issue here. We cannot discuss that more but suffice to say their coverage is seriously hobbled now.

The Lottery is a huge funder of our Olympic athletes. Very little (20% or less as far as I can tell) is direct taxpayer money.


All over the place and completely unwatchable. I think I will listen to some music and watch the highlights later instead.


Ours are partly funded by government and private enterprise. Companies here love being able to use the Olympic brand so far it’s worked well. But we do love our sporting teams.

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For me I don’t watch the Olympics now, it’s become too professional and moved from the amateur ethos. For example, Rory McIlroy and Andy Murray, if I wanted to watch professional players play golf and tennis, I would watch their respective championships.

Appreciate that athletes spend an enormous amount of time and energy training.

I do however, watch the Paralympics and fully enjoy them. Recently watched a film, called “The Best of Men”, about how they started in Stoke Mandeville that was very good. Definitely worth watching.



Definitely agree re golf and tennis but I guess they’re trying to reach a wider audience.


Watching the golf right now on discovery plus here in the U.K. and quite enjoying it. The sport seems to be broadcast without interruption. Mind you I’m not thinking too deeply about professional sport and the Olympic ethos. Agree on the comments re the BBC coverage. Just when you want to watch some sport they seem to keep coming back to the studio for some backstory, interview or vital information they feel we can’t do without. C’mon Tommy (Fleetwood)!!!

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Korea lost at poker game:

In fact, Korea tried a poker game. Without having officially explained why, she did not line up her heavyweight judoka, who is none other than Kim Min-jong

Teddy Rinner made short work of it

We are before you now. France is at the third position.


I thought Teddy Riner largely passed Leon Marchand as most cited French legend !

Stunning bike race. What a finish. What a puncture ! What a bike swap !