Paris 2024

His original name was Le Nom. Then he changes it to Lenon.

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They have eaten too many frogs at the Olympic area.


@collywobbles A shortage of superstars who pick up more than 1 gold. A declared intention to spread the medals around. It’s not permitted on here so you can’t discuss funding because it’s political but it’s a real issue. The London 2012 legacy has been betrayed.


If you want to end the competition on a high note, you couldn’t do much better than the U.S.A./France Women’s Basketball game.

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Did you watch the Serbia v US match, where it all hinged on the last 1/4? I think the USA were down 17 points at one point.

Good grief, betrayal? What nonsense.

There have been fewer golds for sure, but the total medal count for GB is only 2 less than the high of 67 in Rio 2016.

Many Golds were missed out on by a mere 10th or 100ths of seconds on another day it could have been a different result but one has to acknowledge the golds went to someone else who was just a bit better/faster.

It takes a massive amount of effort by the athlete to get into medal contention this too must be acknowledged not spoken about in terms of betrayal.

I have enjoyed a great deal of the games GB success but also the success among other countries some getting medals for the first time of any kind. One to note is the medal won by a Refugee team for the first time who trained in the UK.

Roll on to the Paralympics next.


No, not that one.
Curry dropped 8 hoops yesterday, so 24 points he alone for the team.

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Curry got 36 points in the game against Serbia:

Olympics basketball highlights: USA fight back to beat Serbia and reach final - BBC Sport

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We were on a rising Gold curve through to London. As Mathew Pinsent just said on BBC our performance here was ‘solid’ (not the unqualified endorsement you’d want) & is still carrying something of the after glow of London but the reality is we’re drifting and that has to stop long before it really bites (it’s too late). Like football, if you stand still you go backwards.

Complacency really is nonsense.

The fact is if you order the medal table by total medals as the US likes to do GB came 3rd in the list. This is not a failure or a betrayal.

Of course, one has to move forward and talk about what could be done better. Everyone else will be doing the same too. However, that is an issue for tomorrow not now.

I do not get a sense of complacency in the GB team at all.

Of course, if you can do better?

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FGS the closing ceremony is starting like the opening. Boring rubbish. Can these French put on a show?


Now that’s just silly.

If we can only talk about sport if we can do better than the sportsmen and women sport will die. And just to reiterate my issue isn’t with the athletes who are all brilliant, committed, almost super human.

Pinsent knows. There’ll be a slight underwhelming feeling in the Olympic hierarchy I suspect.

Maybe, but they unlike some know how hard it is to maintain a “rising curve” as you put it.

Other countries strive to do the same and may succeed.

If support were so formulaic it would be easier than it is. It is a human pursuit and Sport is not predictable it would be less fun if it were. It takes a fresh supply of young talented athletes and you only get an Adam Peaty, Lorra Kenny, Mo Farrah et al. once in a while. The US (or the world for that matter) may not see the like of Simone Biles for a very long time for another example.

It all changes all the time. It’s sport.

BTW I did not say if you can do better than the athletes but I was thinking more of organisation.

Hopefully, with people like Denise Lewis getting involved in the Athletic organisation, she will have a more likely impact on what happens next.

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Whouah!, still better!

I agree, boring for now. But don’t agree on the opening ceremony, apart the first part with the nation boats. It was a real success, and I don’t say that because I am french.
The horse on the river, the laser effects on the Eiffel Tower, the balloon, and Céline Dion first appearance on the scene since some years, was something.

What the hell are the Brits wearing?

You’re literally saying the same as my wife.


It’s like we’re ashamed of our flag :man_shrugging:t3:

2028 will be extra tough. Last time the games were in the USA we won just one (1) gold medal I recall (Pinsent as it happens). The US on their own turf, in their own time zone will be an awesome prospect. Hopefully our planning is well underway if funding isn’t to be wasted & achievement maximised. Hopefully our Govt gets involved.

For now I’m looking at the thing in the middle of the Olympic stadium and wondering what the heck it’s going to do. It looks dangerously like something Musk might have built.

Endless shots of people waving mobile phones around. I’m putting the hi-fi on !