Pet and System Pics

When Paul says ‘not quite the dogs’, I assume he means ‘not quite the dog’s bollocks’, or not the most extreme and ultimate example. If that is not what was meant, I am sure others here will tell us.


Attention!!! Attack mode:



H M V checking the sound is right.


Apparently, I should know better than to take off Joni Mitchell when the record finishes, and putting on Primus is about to get me reported to the RSPCA.


You should consider yourself properly chastised Nick for that cruel and unusual behaviour :wink:

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I think Rocco is showing us what his favourite things are. In every pic :wink:

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how do your conf 20’s sound with the Vitus amp? I’ve got the 20’s also on a 282/250 dr system and feel I’d like to simplify the box count but also have never completely warmed to these speakers.

Hi Benjy

These things are very room dependent of course. I find the 20’s excellent in most respects. With the RI-100 the system is perhaps a tad lacking in vitality. I’m in the process of upgrading to an RI-101.2 which should help in that respect.

What is that causes your reservations?



Security detail, reporting for duty, SIR!

At ease, Brahms…


He’s a very regal looking dog

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“Isn’t it time for the Dead?”


Is that a new puppy? Adorable!


Could I ask what brand is your hifi rack thanks

Looks rather cool I must say

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Hello friend, thank you for your kind words.
It’s handmade by my cousin.
It’s made under the Burmester rack standards but much less expensive.
It is made of beech tree painted in mate white lacquer & aluminum painted in mate black.
I just added a metallic naim decal for aesthetic purposes.
You can search in the “system pictures” thread for more photos.

Much appreciated Vaggoz

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For a mountain dog who loves the cold, she looks comfortable.


I’m a non native English speaker and in my professional life I’ve been pretty much using English on a daily basis. However, it’s this type of derivative idiomatic phrases that sometimes keeps eluding me. So much of language is actually rooted in shared culture, as your example of Meccano De Luxe shows (this one is derivative squared even). Whilst my sense is that in English English this type of idiom is a form of higher art, I suppose there are similar examples in other languages as well. They just do not surface in places where the lingua franca is English, as is the case on this forum. So thank you for clarifying!

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That is a load of , not dogs.

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