Phoenix net

Yes, I was wondering that too. As you say the 222 should be the Roon endpoint here, the Zenith only acting as an endpoint if its USB output was being used. Roon Core functionality is now in the Nucleus.

I don’t know but suspect the Zenith is used to store music files on which when replayed provides best digital SQ in Mr & Mrs NoNaim opinion.

The only way the 222 is connected to the Zenith is by ethernet via the Phoenix-Net. There is certainly a difference from running the Roon Core on the Nucleus as opposed to the Zenith.
This was better explained by @CrystalGipsy
“ Tbh the Innuos is not a good choice for Roon core as it’s just not got the real grunt , large libraries and multiple zones would start to show it’s weakness here, single device likely ok though . As it’s more active software it’s also electrically more noisy which most users feels affects sq as it doesn’t take the benefits of Innuos memory playback to help negate it, experimental mode helps here but it’s not as good as their own server/player as that’s just less busy over all. This is why Roon always say to separate core and playback chain which, Innuos are best used as a player only for Roon really but the choice is there to use both but with caveats. It’s not an officially supported Roon core or player for a reason it’s not Roon Ready like ND555 it uses Roon bridge so has not been optimised as a Roon Ready device would have been.”

But, if the zenith is not directly connected to the 222 it is not being used as a Roon endpoint. What device have you selected as an endpoint in Roon? I am guessing the 222?

Yes, the 222 shows as the endpoint in Roon. I think due to the Zenith being not officially by Roon, that it does not show. I know there is a difference, as I have tried running Roon from just the Nucleus and also from the Zenith. There are 3 different music sources in Roon. Roon Radio, Music Steaming Service eg. Tidal and stored music on a drive, I found listening to CD quality radio stream to be very little difference whichever Roon configuration was used. However for the latter two music sources, it was more apparent the difference. Now, I’m not going to say this is the best configuration for everybody. I know quite a few people prefer the Innuos Sense. Whether it is a combination of the Roon Core and player being separated, ethernet streams being controlled by the Phoenix Net or the power regulation in the Zenith? Maybe as @CrystalGipsy points out, the computational low noise factor of the Zenith processor is reduced when running as Roon Core and player. Seperating the Core, might be contributing to a lower noise floor. I think somebody mentioned on here, that they found if their Nucleus was in another room, they obtained a superior SQ. However, I found a superior SQ by having the Nucleus close to the Phoenix-Net. :blush:

So are you noticing a difference in sound if you remove the zenith from the network?

If you are asking, have I physically disconnected from the network?, the answer is no. I have tried the Zenith in all possible configurations, excluding usb, due to Naim 222 limitations. I still feel that when people use the USB output, maybe explaining the preference for Innuos Sense. :blush:
Do you just use the Lan connection on the Pulsar to Phoenix-Net and then a ethernet connection between the Phoenix-Net and Brinkmann?

I connect to the Brinkmann via usb so my chain is zen mini(Roon core)>phoenix>pulsar>Brinkmann usb input. The point I am trying to make is I don’t actually think your zenith is being used in the chain. It is not connected to the 222 in any way, you are using the 222 in Roon as the endpoint so the zenith is not in the chain, the chain is nuc>phoenix>222 as far as I can see.

I know it must be in the chain, when I play a ripped album stored on the Zenith.

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Ah ok. I assumed your music was on the NUC. So the zenith is being used as a nas. Makes sense nowâ˜ș

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However, it also gives a better SQ when, I sign into Quboz in Roon and play. If, it is just going from Nucleus to Phoenix to 222, then why better than when Nucleus 8m away from Phoenix. If not passing through Zenith, why better SQ than when using Zenith as Core and player. I wish I could give you an explanation, but alas I cannot. Maybe, if @CrystalGipsy or @Michaelb would like to chime in? :blush:

If it sounds better then that is the important bit!

I guess so :blush: :+1: I can only come back to, the USB connection method.

I wouldn’t fuss too much. You have tried multiple options and concluded which sounds best for you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else advises, you have done your assessment and reached your optimum performance. A job well done.

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Do you use the Sense app? Apparently it’s possible, even if Zenith is only connected by Ethernet. And @Michaelb related it sounds better than Roon.

No I do not use the Sense app, but I have tried it. I did not think it had a superior SQ to Roon. However, the majority that do use USB, I can only use ethernet. Also, the slider volume control is a deaf trap, for selecting full volume. However, I might try again when Innuos implement +/- volume control buttons in the app. This will be be included when InnuOS 2.5.5 is released. :blush:

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The volume control buttons still don’t work on Classic products but do work on Uniti products. I’m surprised they don’t work on the New Classics. I certainly found an uptick in quality from a Roon Nucleus+ with SJ PSU, but that was with a Statement and 500 system. Being a belt and braces sort of person I have kept the Nucleus but never use it.

Are you trying a beta version of InnuOS 2.5.5?

No, I’m on 2.5.1 but Sense has worked with my Atom HE for many months.

Slightly confused here, but that is nothing new :blush: The +/- volume control buttons will not appear on the Sense app, till InnuOS 2.5.5 is released. I presume it will be similar to the way Roon volume control appears on screen, or the +/- or slider volume controls will be selectable, like the Naim app.
Did you find the best way to run Roon with your Innuos, was with Roon on a seperate Core and the Innuos in Roon bridge mode for streaming radio, music streaming service eg. Quboz and for ripped cd’s stored on the Innuos when only using Ethernet connections to Innuos Phoenix-Net? :blush: