Phoenix net

A Cisco 2960 until it went wrong, followed by the EE8 and then the PN for the last month or two. We’ve had the 222/300/250 since it first came out.

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Same here - never thought of such upgrade potential for „only 3k euro“ :heart_eyes:

A killer price - could be fake advertisement?

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I don’t know what happened, but I posted on the wrong thread. A PhoenixNet for 900 euros would be suspicious. I posted again in the right thread : what an Ndac would bring to Nd5xs2. ( 900 eur = Ndac).


Could be me … comes with age :rofl:

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Hi @frenchrooster
You posted on what’s best forum, that after five days, the Phoenix was superior to the ERegen/MCRU. However, it was not night and day. After a month of ownership of your second Phoenix (first one, incorrect i.p. address), you stated that this was the best switch you ever had. I was wondering that after a month, had the gap between the ERegen/MCRU widened significantly more, i.e. night and day after a month? Thank you,

The first week, there was a difference, but not night and day. Specially more authority and bass. However the PN became more involving and open and liberated itself after maybe 15 days, one month.
Fully broken, the PN is clearly better. But of course, not three times better as 3 times more expensive. A bit like going from Xpsdr to 555 dr.


Thank you, for the reply. I personally did not find much of a change, when I added a XPS DR to a 272. However, when I added the 555 DR, that was a significant change in the sound quality. Looking to maximise the streaming quality input of my 222, in conjunction with NC 300 and 250. I do not wish to go down the root of having 5 or 6 Naim amplifiers and power supplies. It seems that majority of Phoenix Net owners, have a Naim 555 and 552. Does this imply, that to get the benefit of the Phoenix Net, you need a 555 and 552? You are one of the few, who does not.
I do see that @adeypoos, has run it with a 200 series and was gobsmacked. Just trying to get an idea of how much gain the Phoenix Net gives with a 200 series, or do you really need 500 level to notice the majority of the gains?

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I’m interested to hear about the improvement you get with the 222. I already have well defined low frequencies and immense inky blacks so wondering how much more improvement can be had here.

Isn’t it funny how we all have different tastes?

I have the same front end as you and had the exact same 2XEtherRegen + Sean Jacobs DC+ power supply setup (in fact I still have the gear), but much preferred the PhoenixNet for accuracy and complexity of timbre and texture on classical instruments, for scale and lack of granularity, for soundstage and presence.


In my opinion, the 222 from Naim benefits enormously from the PhoenixNET, along with any other networked device, so long as the PN is at the end of the network chain before your streamer.

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Yes……the input music stream has to go through the PN…….the likes of Melco direct to streamer, defeats the objective of reclocking etc.

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Do you need to us a Cisco/EE8 upstream to optimise the Phoenix ?
Is it best to connect a Uniti Core or Roon Nucleus direct to the Phoenix or can they be connected anywhere in the network ?

The jury is out on whether another switch in the chain is beneficial after the router and before the PN, but daisy-chaining switches and adding better power supplies to the switches may also have some benefit and your mileage may vary. However what seems to be important is that the PhoenixNET is connected just before your 222 and that you keep the ethernet cable between them good quality and as short as possible. I would plug the Naim Uniti Core into one of the outputs of the PN and maybe also your Roon Core, depending on where it is positioned and see how that goes. The only downside I have come across when connecting to the PN is the speed of file transfers because of the 100Mb RJ45 limits, which affects ones patience more than sound quality.


I have found that the Core and Nucleus and also the 222 have a improved SQ, by removing the Nucleus and Core from my Fraim. These now are situated on TV cabinet, the other side of the room.
So Core / Nucleus run to EE8(No.1 switch)>Router> EE8(No.2 switch)>222.
Your description of the using the Phoenix Net with the 222, “gobsmacked”, is quite enticing.

I guess you’ll have to find your nearest Innuos dealer and arrange a home dem. I can say with some confidence that the home dem is a one-way ticket.


…to bliss.



Forget the home dem………take my money now :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I could try it 14 days and return. Doubt I would buy without that possibility, specially as it costs a lot for a switch and the Etheregen / MCRU was already very good. After 1 week I decided to keep it.


For me the sound was worse with the Cisco or with the ER/ ps. At least I preferred the sound signature and balance of the PN alone.