Phoenix net

Same here

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Iā€™ve just borrowed my dealers Phoenix Net for a second time. This has been partly prompted by a big change in my system and the need for me to see if the PN can takes things any further?

The first time I borrowed the PN I was using a Node/Ndac/555DR with my EE8 switch. This has since changed to ND555 plus two 555DR supplies. As you can imagine this change has brought about a substantial improvement to the resolution of the system.

On the first occasion I used the PN I found it just simply unbalanced the system and pushed too much bass from my DBLā€™s. With the ND555 now in place the bass has more resolution and is more agile, so itā€™s logical to think that PN would work much better? Plus, experience has taught me that when you make a big change itā€™s often worth retrying or revisiting stuff that didnā€™t seem to work before as it suddenly can. However, thatā€™s not quite the case for me and the second time around Iā€™m find myself more or less agreeing with Darkebearā€™s view of the PN.

To me with my system and the PN in place it just sounds less organic and natural than the EE8 switch Iā€™m currently using. The bass with the PN is very very deep but seems mildly overblown, a little slow and lacks grip for some reason. Iā€™m also finding the the high-frequency is sounding slightly smeared and relentless. Like someone has EQā€™d it all a bit too much. For me the balance of the system is so important. The PN doesnā€™t give me that but my current switch does! So, it looks like Iā€™m back with my trusty old EE8 switch and my dealer will have his PN back in the shop by Tuesday. Again, I think this just re-enforces how important it is to try this stuff at home in your own system as ā€˜one sizeā€™ definitely doesnā€™t fit all!


Maybe your preference goes to EE8 in your system and ears. However the overblown bass appeared also the first days, with a bit slower sound.
15 days 24/24 run in opened the PN, gave a better articulated and integrated bass and a much more lively sound.
The problem with the PN is a very long burn in. It takes minimum 1 month to fully see what happens.


When you say it takes one month. Do you mean, the Phoenix just switched or switched on and streaming a signal through it ?

Oh dearā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.ordered. :blush:


Streaming 24/24 with pre switched off or on mute would be the best I feel. I have done that for 15 days then listening every day maybe 3 hours.
Thereā€™s anything precise about that. But I would say the minimum is 15 days 24/24.

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Sorry :joy:


Hi Frenchrooster

Yes, I agree that could be a slight contributing factor but I always allow a bit of latitude with new stuff. However, the PN was unplugged from my dealers, stuck in the car for 20mins and then reconnected at home. No doubt it will still benefit from some warm-up but I usually get the gist straight away even if itā€™s masked. And his is not a brand new PN, my dealerā€™s had it a while. My dealer really raves about the benefit itā€™s made to the shop systems compared to the other switches theyā€™ve tried, and they are usually right on the money when it comes to good solid recommendations.

I think I have a little theory developing. Iā€™m really lucky to have a very clean electrical supply, miles from any neighbours and it comes directly from overhead HT power cables. I think Iā€™m finding the simpler the power supply the less it messes with the clean current. The bigger, better power supplies seem to over-process the current, which works great for those with dirty local mains but less so for me with a clean supply. Thereā€™s been a few occasions where adding power supplies have made little/no difference or totally messed up the sound. For some reason this appears to be where itā€™s the latter.


I have read that an OCXO clock needs several days to settle down.
I just installed my etherregen with external clock last weekend (after a long time in hiatus due to moving shenanigans) and to my ears it seems as if it needed a week to stabilize (in lack of a better word).

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OCXO clock will certainly take a day or 2 to settle once moved. It also takes time to heat up as itā€™s in itā€™s own oven.
As for a better power supply making it worse, then i very much doubt that, if anything you just wouldnā€™t notice any difference. It would be like trying the ee8 with a better power supply or the standard one, and hearing no difference, it certainly wouldnā€™t be worse.
I would say that you are one off the guyā€™s that not susceptible to timing like most are. Thatā€™s going to save you lotā€™s as no clocking is going to make any difference to you, as your brain simply doesnā€™t respond to it.
Not everyone does, and for some itā€™s huge.
But for sure the PhoenixNet is a much better network switch than the ee8 could ever be, but if you donā€™t respond to the advantages it brings, then for you itā€™s worthless.
Just like some donā€™t hear the difference a dcs clock brings to the party, as said nothing wrong with that, it means you have more money in your wallet for something else

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Well Dunc, contrary to what you think Iā€™ve tried four progressively expensive linear power supplies on my EE8 switch and the more expensive they get the worse they seem to sound. Iā€™ve not found one that sounds better than the standard SMPS. I would also argue that I have an acute sense of musical timing. Itā€™s the effect on timing that the big supplies seem to mess with more than the smaller ones!

Anyway, Iā€™ve got the PN here until Tuesday, so not giving up yet. Letā€™s see if the clock stabilises and comes good before it has to go back?

I canā€™t see how a power supply messes with timing, a better power supply gives you quieter background so you can hear more off the music, and helps separation.

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As you said and from what I think, thereā€™s no certainty that you would enjoy the PN more than the EE8, in your system, even fully burn in.
Most here preferred the PN vs EE8, Etheregen bare. But some preferred for example daisy chaining the Etheregen and powered by a top Sean Jacobs ps.
But other may prefer the EE8 bare. Why not. As some prefer the Lavender cables vs Superlumina for instance.

I tried for instance the Uptone Lps2, around 400 euros, on the Etheregen.
The sound was softer and a bit nicer with it, but a bit slower , less urgent, vs the stock SMPS.
With a Farad and top MCRU, all was better.

Hi G, have you tried daisy-chaining the EE8 into PN with both the SMPS/LPS on the EE8?

I havenā€™t but I can. I tended to find that daisy chaining switches hasnā€™t worked for me. Everything ends up sound a bit dull and restricted, sort of over-damped. Iā€™ll give it a go though.

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After owning the Linn Klimax DSM/3, I have given up and done with all the superlative accessories such the boutique network switches, expensive ethernet cables, expensive PSUs, etc. I just stick to the simple netgear gs108tv3 with the stock psu, because I think it sounds best to my ears & taste, even for USB input, it goes straight from my m2 MM without any usb isolator.

Iā€™m using it on my NC set up, on my 3rd week. I had S-100 before, PN is definitely an improvement even from an S-100. Iā€™d also add ethernet cables do make a difference to make it a meaningful upgrade, without creating a new weak link.

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Second PN in span of 18 months, I donā€™t know why i got rid of the first one, but this one is staying. Third week after a month of S-100 experience, definitely calmer, quieter, but with effortless low frequency detail. Timing is exceptional. Makes imagine what would it be like if Naim took a crack at this switch market. 2 half width units with a DIN connection? :slight_smile:


Thank you @Marty_SF for the information, it is good to know. I will be using Naim Powerline and Audioquest Vodka for power and ethernet. The only real difference between our systems is our speakers and maybe you have a better view than me. :blush: