Phoenix net

That’s how I use the PN. Really think, that you will love it.
Is it overall a bit slower, than ee8 with smps. Yes!
But ee8 was a bit hasty with my SBL and PN has a lot more naim vibes= groove.
The mids and the depths are phenomenal!


Your wetting my appetite……stop it……or I will start dribbling. :blush:


Thanks for the kind words @NoNaim :slight_smile: I wish my view included a Fraim rack instead but I’m happy with this set up for now. I just don’t know where I’ll put the 300 series as it will drive up the box count. I remember looking at AQ Vodka reviews at the time, quite a big number of positive reviews out there, hope you like them. If you have a way of trying Shunyata ethernet cables, I’d recommend it, my experience with a pair of Alphas has been substantial with 200 series.
Happy listening :slight_smile:

@Marty_SF I have already purchased the Vodka and Powerline, previously. I was interested to read, your planned purchase of the Naim 332 & 333. Some people would see this planned purchase, as a bit of a gamble. However, I do see this as the main consideration.:blush:
I see more of a problem with the planned or unplanned box count increase rather than expenditure. At the bare minimum, the box count increases from 3 to 4, unless you plan to trade in the 300:and 222. However, if you keep the 300, how long before another 300, or trade the 250 for two 350’s. So before you know it, box count has increased from 3 to 4 or 4 to 6. I think this is the main point, to be considered. Just how many boxes would you like? As I say, you pays your money, you makes your choice. :blush:


Tell me about box count … I need a separate garage space for the carton boxes only. :rofl:
With more Power(supply) come more responsibility … opps … wrong topic :rofl:


I agree @NoNaim :slight_smile: , this sport costs a pretty penny and the box count keeps on going up. My plan is to go to 6 boxes over time but I’ll be happy with 4 too, I always keep in mind how lucky we are to experience this hobby. I’ll keep the 300, and initial plan is to pair it with 333.
Like you said, it may look like a gamble without listening but it was a pretty easy decision for me. My thought process is 1-going from integrated to separates is typically an upgrade, 2- going to separates in one tier higher on 300s will be an upgrade.

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@Drago :joy: empty box storage pain is real, my situation is just as laughable. I got one closet of empty boxes, organized like it’s a tetris game, I can’t take one out if I need to, I need to remove 8 of them to get to one in the back :rofl:
Cable boxes are in the overflow section in a kitchen cabinet :slight_smile: Just ridiculous and I love it.

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Cable boxes… oh dear… building towers with it.
I have naim tetris in the basement, under the roof, in the sleeping room…

Did I telll that I have also collected Lego for some time and still have also Lego tetris sections…
Boys… :laughing:

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I’m over the accumulating boxes thing. The NC is a welcome change for me seeing as how we now have multiple 3 box arrangements that deliver SQ that required 4 or more boxes in the past. I’m wondering how much better can a 333/332/250 be than my current 222/555DR/250. Logically it seems like quite a bit. It looks like I’m going to have to travel to get a listen though. I may pick up a PN before doing that though.


I think you @Marty_SF will be on safe ground, with your purchase of your 332 and 333. :+1:
However, please do not post your findings on here, as my Phoenix Net purchase will seem insignificant, with your temptations to the dark side (my purchase of a 332,333 and another 300). :blush:


For simplicity I tried running the PN straight from the Virgin Superhub but it clearly is improved when daisy-chained; Virgin Superhub to Cisco 2960 via 1.5m C-Stream, 2960 to PN via 1m BJC 6a, NAS to PN via 0.75m C-Stream, PN to ND555 via 0.75 C-Stream.

Interestingly I tried the BJC 6a as the starting cable from Virgin Superhub to 2960, but the system sounds more together, more ‘right’, with it going to the input of the PN from the 2960.



Hi @GraemeH Glad your getting along with your Phoenix Net. I will hopefully start my journey today, as mine is ready for collection. I note from other postings in this thread, of the long burn in. I would have thought that yours is still in this phase, so it would be hard to draw conclusions of the best configuration of the Phoenix Net. :blush:

Yes, that crossed my mind, but the difference being fed from the 2960 is not small. It was also recommended by my dealer, so I figure why sit listening to inferior sound for X hundred hours. I’m just not that into self-flagellation.

I can always re-try after X hundred hours have passed, but right now the system sounds the best it ever has.

Enjoy yours when it arrives.


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I will keep your recommendations in mind. I have two EE8 and two Cisco 2960 switches, to dabble with.


Great work guys. I’ve not had the urge to scratch an itch…yet! Really enjoying all your posts on the PN!

Keep em coming!!!

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I am also considering a PN so can’t wait to hear of more experiences👍🏻

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Very warm here Dusty, in my shorts letting the chickens out at 6:30 getting bitten by Mosquitos. I always have the itch….chickens recommended or a minor warning😉


Nice one Gazza!

Actually sitting in the garden with a very old Bose Soundlink doing a reasonable job with not a switch in sight!
It’s an unbelievable journey we’re on to reproduce the best audio we can afford.
I’m sure the men in white coats will take me away soon although it’s a tad warm for all that!

I’m unsure of cost of the PN, I dare not ask at mo coz you know how that ends up!!

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I own a Cisco 2960, EE8/ Farad LPS and the PN.

I’ve tried several configurations (including PN solo) and I have found the best set up to be EE8 as first and PN as second switch. The PN needs a few weeks to burn in, and as has been mentioned on the forum several times, needs 48 hours to re clock after a power down. But it truly is an excellent switch.

Happy listening.


Did you not read my post…my wife wants a word with you!!

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