Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Had to resort to an unusual set up while my PMC’s are at the factory having a check over.

Interesting is about the best I can say at the moment but life without music is like a day without sunshine :joy:.

Needs must, doesn’t sound that bad considering these are surround speakers from my last av system and they haven’t been used for a few years.


21st Century Flaneur. Doing a Mr Darko with my Momentum 4’s in Porto.

Music of choice: “This Supreme Experience” by “Spunkshine”.


Hey Fish. JBL Flip Essential 2.

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Many thanks.


Kicking off a storm struck Sunday morning with the inimitable Danny Gatton at ‘that’s too loud’ levels.


A couple of things happened this weekend that resulted in my requiring a slight repositioning of my system. Firstly, daughter successfully lobbied to have our spare sofa removed from her bedroom - meaning moving the existing sofa and armchair and raising the height of my speakers a little and reposition the TV. Secondly, every vinyl lover’s nightmare - when readjusting the speaker cable on my left tab10, my entire shelf of records gave way and ended up strewn all over the floor! Luckily only some superficial damage to a couple of LPs. I promptly popped to IKEA to pick up a Kallax for more suitable storage…

It’s a bit more cosy in here now and I dare say sounds a little better


Bang and Olufsen‘s Beosound A1 (2nd Gen) is our choice when away from home — and they come up once in a while for a good price on Amazon. Our Black Friday price was £169. We might get a second one for stereo; they can be paired.


Yes, i will take care of the cables. Later.


This is why a separate room is a good idea. Not totally 100% convinced with mine at the moment but it is early days and only started using it in winter. Let’s face it on a sunny day I prefer upstairs with the sun shining in, but it does sound better downstairs and loudness is absolutely no issue talking reasonable levels of course that still seem too loud

Listening off axis (comfortably installed in my chair by the window with a good glass of Brunello :slightly_smiling_face:).


Don’t you dare try and get that ball that you’ve thrown under the rack!


Looks fantastic, big fan of the clean contemporary look :slightly_smiling_face:

Real bonsai?

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Cooking the dinner, Ezra Collective on the Qb.


Need bigger balls

Double H, I am planning some major work next year in the house, I may need you eye, I am absolutely useless at that and every room you share has a great eye for colour.


The left pan looks slightly off centre :zipper_mouth_face:


Gas is too high on the right one as well.
Wasting energy on pan bypass. :scream:


Thank you. Yes, a real bonsai (a gift from my parents, who took care of it for some 15 years or so).


That looks great. What rack/ shelving is that?