Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Hi Andy check with you on this , with the vavaldi clock , how much improvement compare to the Rossini clock ? Thanks and btw , awesome Rossini and vavaldi you have , and of cos the rest of your kits cheers !

Many thanks @naimophile The Vivaldi clock is a league above the Rossini. I guess this is only to be expected. Whether it is worth the extra money, only you can decide that. Try and listen to both, in your room, side by side if at all possible.

The Rossini clock is very good, Vivaldi better, but at this price point there is an element of “diminishing returns” in play. I felt that NAIM had lost its way on streaming, with ageing DAC chips, and have no regrets in upgrading my ND555/555PS to the dCS combination. Good luck in your journey.


@Andyblain thanks Andy… yea shall do a demo but as you know… once you listen to the clocks , you won’t escape and leave the retail without owning one :rofl:

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Here in the Toronto area we haven’t really had winter. Yesterday the high was 20 degrees (C)… strange to say the least.

I traded mine in 10 years ago :joy:

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System looks wonderful @Andyblain.

Can you tell me about what you do for centre speaker? I notice you have an AV processor.

Reason I ask is I have surround sound system and main Naim system in same room. I use a speaker switch to switch between AV amp and my 500DR. And can switch speakers into another room.

Am interested how you have worked it all out.

Thanks in advance.


The TV (Sony 65 AG9) has a built in ‘Centre channel mode’ with a centre speaker in the whole of the screen.

I had a separate centre speaker before, and was very sceptical about this set-up. However, the performance is surprisingly good, and I am extremely happy with it. And it avoids another box. I use. Martin Logan sub, MK surrounds and KEF Atmos speakers. It all works well.

Separately Dan, I hope that you are keeping well and managing to keep spirits high. Stay strong and keep fighting :heart_hands:

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Thanks Andy, much appreciated.

I feel my TV is too high up so a TV with integrated centre speaker sounds very interesting.

I am working, keeping fit while having chemo and staying positive.

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222/250 Vertere DG1. Atohm GT1 on Atacama stands with REL TZero subs.
No TV - at all in the house!


Listening after installing Fraim narrow rear leg option, clearly visible at the top of the rack;

And trialling the elusive SL XLR interconnect…….



Naim system really enjoying the lift in the streaming front end with the Ifi Stream and MF Mx-Dac pulling up some deep bass from the Guru 12’s.

Trentemollers Moan providing some brilliant textures.


Visting the dude that made my speakers.

He is making some new speakers It is a collaboration between two friends. All Mundorf components in the x-over. Cnc milled cabinet, Seas tweeter and B&C bass. 3D printed base for the X-over. Spray pained finish.


I thought that was a screen shot from The Big Lebowski.

Cognac & Coca Cola - marvellous.


I had a Coke. And coffee.

He have a cognac. A gift from me.


A little bit of mood lighting added…


The dude says thank you. That comment made his day. :pinched_fingers:


SUPERB. :pinched_fingers:

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Can we see his rug?


Borg Green


His rig is my old Kuzma Stabi S / Stogi 12" vta arm with Benz LP he got for the work on the speakers, diy preamp, programmed in C:Sharp (around 2000000 lines of code, a huge number of XML phasing and controlling Roon, turntables, streaming, etc) and controlles his audio interface. (Motu 828es and FabFilter Volcano running on Motu DAW), 8 amplifiers Hypex ncore, limited to 10watt each.
The room can’t handle more pressure when played loud. Overall sensitivity is around 100db/w.

The living room is around 60m2.
Reverberation time (T) is 400ms.

Slot load Open baffle speakers. 8x15" and 2x12" . 18Sound 6,5" and an Meyer Sound mofificated Mundorf AMT. Ambient tweeter in the rear.