Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Love your room. Reminds me, that I have to go the the elphi again. Recently bought an axess center and was stunned how wonderful it is.

The Mary Wallopers.
Newcastle NX.
Last night.

Great raucous Irish stuff. Happy Paddy’s Day! :shamrock: :ireland:


Thank you! The Axcent Center is really great, absolutely natural in sound. It also took me years until I had all the cherry funier speakers together. It was also a development and journey from the Credos as the main speakers to the Alleas then to the NBL, then finding Credos for the side surrounds, up to the 4 x N-Subs. Then at that time the power amplifiers from the Oliven series were changed, everything was switched to the Reference series so that it fits the AV2 and DVD5 :-). Now I’m going to run the NAP300DR with 2x 300 HP in the near future, let’s see if that brings anything. I only ever listen to music on CD, I think it has more soul than hasty streaming. I’d rather listen to vinyl records, but it doesn’t fit into the room anymore. Warm greetings from Hamburg


Who cares if it’s pissing down outside - Football, Jazz, Guinness!


That’s a really nice mantelpiece. May I ask when the house was built, as presumably it’s original.

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Damn - have to outside … looks warm :joy:

1910 HH - must have been a job lot or the chippie’s favourite design as our row of 6 houses are all the same.

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Thanks. There was something similar in the house my mum grew up in, but that was very very dark brown and very oppressive, but yours looks lovely.

Pretty sure it was originally dark stained oak that one of our predecessors painted. We, or our ace decorator, had to do the same for the one in the dining room. Excuse obviously 60s tiles and fire - and thread drift too.


Retirement practice. Later practice sessions will involve beer


Sorry for continuing the thread drift but my other half and I love those tiles


That’s lovely, and thanks for sharing it. I love older houses; ours is a 1983 box. We took out the original hideous fireplace and fire and put in a much simpler limestone one.


I see a couple of clockwork clocks…do they work?

My in-laws lived in a very similar styled house and also has a similar clock to the one in your dining room, just with the ‘going train’ (no strike or chime), in the heavy case. Ours (now) is not as ornate…


Judas Priest, Saxon, Uriah Heep…


I’ve just got my 202/200 setup. I’ve told myself to wait 6 months before I think about a NAPSC and another 6 months for a HICAP.


The very best of luck with that :rofl:.

Maybe the best advice is to steer clear of forums such as this one :flushed:.


Go on, you know you want to…:joy::joy:. Mine came with the NAPSC bundled, but the Hicap has made a much bigger difference than I thought it would. Sounds wonderful with CDs now, and I’ve just upgraded the cartridge on the P3, not had much chance to play vinyl since, but have high hopes.

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Saw them in Manchester on Friday. Bloody nuts

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Yes, they don’t take themselves too seriously. Great fun!