Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

I was having a relaxing day until I saw this…



That album is just brilliant, so 1970’s

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That’s exactly what any lawn should be, although this should probably be discussed in the No Mow May thread we had last year rather than here.

got some dog love going on

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we wore that record out, still is pronominal today.

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And if the no mow may thread is closed, gardening topic is happy to substitute (I didn’t mow my lawn yet, it’s a true mess)

We haven’t used any chemicals in the garden for about 25 years and the ‘lawn’ is probably more ‘weeds’ than grass. The insects love it. The whole idea of a green monoculture is ridiculous. We never water the ‘lawn’, it just goes brown in the summer, and then when it rains everything gets going again. We live in the warmest and driest part of the U.K. so when the lawn goes brown it goes really brown. Water is such a valuable commodity that watering lawns really shouldn’t be allowed.


Brown lawns are very rare for us, here in the wettest part of the country, but we allow things other than grass to thrive. The moss can get a bit out of hand in winter, but in summer the grass just grows back through it. I actively encourage clover as it benefits the grass by adding nitrogen to the soil, and the bees like it.
I use a mulching mower, so no organic material is ever removed from the lawn, and it seems fine without artificial fertiliser ever being added.
As for adding other chemicals to lawns, yes, it’s ludicrous, but I fear that only legislation would prevent people from using it.

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This is Harvey in his listening position with the door behind him open.

and checking the lawn further down

I did try clearing and collecting the cuttings the first year here, but it seemed a pointless exercise. The cuttings shown will disperse when the cutting becomes more frequent as the weather warms.


Hope you’ve got a sit on job for all that grass. :hot_face:

First year we moved in I asked the local farmer to cut and bale ( it was overgrown) and take the bales for his trouble. Second year Mrs Bruss cut it one section at a time, much to my amusement, but she insisted. I then decided if I was a man I should cut it, and bought a sit on. :rofl:


Small space now, but soon I will have a larger room. The Child will be happy :smiley:


I haven’t use the heating since late January (in Greece), lol.

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You forget I’m in Scotland usually we only have two seasons
June and Winter. :rofl:


June is up for debate. I’ve lived in Scotland 14 yrs now (and love it) and only remember 1 decent June. :roll_eyes:


Cabin life! Unfortunately no Naim here… but still, great sounding music. Opeth, Blackwater Park!


@Skeptikal @carruthersesq, I’m starting to think that in England we have only two seasons as well. White winter and Green winter. :cry: