Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Not played any today, was thinking UFO - Phenomenon next…:wink:
Maybe even on Vinyl🤔


Nice to see some Ninkas on a Naim system - always thought they boogied well.

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As previously mentioned…:blush:


Thank you, they sound stunning. We have Keilidh’s on the other system, which I’ve owned for 30 years…:blush:

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Do the Keilidhs do anything better than Ninkas? Never compared head to head.

They both do a splendid job, but the Ninka’s just have the edge on detail and Bass, although they are supported on my 282/300 system by a Rel T5/x Sub.
My wife’s 202/200 system drives the Keilidh’s, which she claims ownership of now. She loves them. :blush:


Scotland ditto … except could be described “cold and windy as (h)/ … (w)ell” :slight_smile:
… Actually, on reflection that wouldn’t be very cold, would it?

Just had more rain up on the Cornish Moor, fed up with this miserable weather, lets have some sunshine and for more than just a day.

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Scotland here lovely warm sunny day might even cut the grass after tea time when it’s cooled down a bit. :icecream:

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Well, the sun has put in an appearance on Truro in the last hour… but the wind has increased as well!

Sun here as well but only in last few minutes, wind has also increased, for early May weather is ‘bleep’ rubbish.

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Is it up in the ‘teens there @Skeptikal ?
Far to warm for your average Scot…:wink:

In the shade of the living room sun at other side of the house. :icecream:
Haven’t used the heating this week.


It’s been a proper early May day weather wise here in the Fens too. I’ve been in shorts most of the day

Note: Only watering the lawn because it was fed and treated for weeds 48 hours ago.


Down here in the soggy and cold south west I have puddles in my lawn, the ground is so wet that any rain just sits on top of waterlogged ground. I managed a cut about 3 weeks ago, since then it has been too wet.

I was in Kent earlier this week seeing my kids, the ground there is firm and far from waterlogged, we seem to have drawn the short straw so far this year for good weather and it has gone elsewhere.

Love your garden, nicely balanced. :+1:

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Thank you
I designed it, the Landscaper did the hard work and Mrs Q and Paul the Gardener do the rest.
The Lawn is mine however. Fortunately it’s the bit that takes the least amount of work. :wink:

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Redhill wood then?

My lawn is an absolute mess with cowslips and bluebells in flower, I can see the Ox-eye daisies coming and masses of clover.

A day of tidiness is coming but at the moment more than happy. Just wish the weather would warm up and dry up

Sorry for thread diversion but so far this year it has really been weather for ducks


There’s still a bit of Naim in there if you look carefully.


Can’t unsee that!