Pics ‘From the Listening Position’




You’re probably thinking he needs more beige.

A truly eclectic system there MB.

Is it? Perhaps yes, I guess the TEAC/Naim source is unusual, but works fine.

Well TEAC is a very laid back “calm” sound signature so I imagine paired with something a bit aggressive like the Naim works quite well.

I only use the VRDS-9 as drive into the SN’s own DAC - of which I am a solitary fan…
They’re connected with this:

A very normal, 75 ohm digital cable made with RG316 conductor. I also found true 75Ohm adapters:


And am so far very happy with the results.


Thou art not alone, Italian brother.

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PMC Twenty.5 21i restoring domestic harmony and fitting nicely in our living room. Sometimes a balance has to be struck and the T505 were ultimately just too ‘present’ in our space.



Exactly what I want to achieve with the system in our living room, but finding suitable speakers is not easy


They look much better Graeme, out of interest can the stands be assembled in reverse so the roundy bit of the base is facing the room and the square edge against the skirting?


Thanks and, in theory yes but the machining for all the holes to line up is very precise so I wouldn’t wish to be definitive.

They’re quite a sophisticated design. The base and speaker plate design is actually a sandwich construction, with two metal plates and a compliant material between. A bit of inbuilt ‘Gaia’ technology.

Blasting out ‘The Wall’ just now and they sound great!



If you look at the drawings you’ll see that there is more of the baseplate at the back than the front, to accommodate the slope of the uprights. If you had the baseplate the other way round the geometry would be all wrong.

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Grand so, my aesthetic eye with a dose of ocd would prefer the curve at the front and the straight edge to the rear as they’re designed to be up against a wall but as you’ve pointed out they ain’t designed that way! Anyway, it was just an observation

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They aren’t designed to be against the wall. If the curve was at the front it would clash with the straight edge of the speaker and look silly. Also, the logo would then be at the back, and look even sillier. So from an OCD perspective, the intended way is the best way.

IIRC, the reason for the rear curve is specifically so that when the amount of toe in as adjusted, the stand can be rotated without the need to pull it forward. With a squared stand, if they go against any object (might not be a wall but just an object behind the speaker), the only way to toe them is rotate around one rear leg and bring the opposite corner further forward into the room.


My employer has well-being days. They basically give the entire staff a day off once in a while. It gives me the rare opportunity to clean the house and listen to good music.

Bruckner 9, part 1 by Haitink / RCO.

In this position the imaging is great, I can more or less point to the instruments. A few metres back and I won’t have the imaging, but the balance remains.

Sorry for the mess, at the end of the day it must look much better.


Thought I’d give Haitink’s Bruckner 9 a play.
Thanks for the suggestion @Ardbeg10y

Had a busy morning on the phone, so nice to finally get some music on.


I’m on the other one, the RCO, but I give the LSO a try too later today if I’m still capable listening to music. Bruckner is something which deeply affects me and usually I need a lot of silence after it to get down to earth again.


I really enjoy Bruckner too.
One of my favourites is Karajan and the Wiener Philharmoniker ‘7’ from 1990, which I bought back then and still enjoy very much today.

I think it will be going on next😊


Some near field late night listening.

New Order Substance 1987 remastered and released last week.