Pink Floyd "Animals" 2018 Remix - out September & October

Yes, I thought of writing that, but I worried that the clichê police might come for me. I drove past David’s house a couple of weeks ago to get to a lovely seaside (upmarket) greasy spoon that does wonderful all day breakfasts (Carats Cafe Bar).

I used to live thereabouts various places along the coast from Eastbourne to Worthing, and still have an interest there. Never lived in Hove actually though. :grinning:

He’s put it up for sale if you fancy buying it?

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I didn’t know that, he’s maybe having to bear his share of the refund costs of so many disappointed ‘Animals’ LP buyers.

I’m very happy to stay in boho Kemptown.


Thank you, that’s a new one on me, Clive. How would I go about finding a local Evri outlet?

You enter your postcode and local options will be identified on a map. It’s a doddle.

All this excitement about whether one gets a good pressing has lead me to order myself a copy. Arrives later today so will report back. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Thank you, Clive. I shall give it a go when I get my Mac to work properly again.

Every day is indeed a schoolday (as I had cause to remark just a day or so ago).

You must be a nutter! I would have waited until the record company had got its turkeys in a row, if I’d had any idea of what I was getting myself into when I ordered my copy.

Interesting read this thread and very disappointing. But it does put into perspective the time @TheKevster puts into getting the ESE and the Vooduu people vinyl out in tip top condition, he had numerous delays until he was satisfied👍


Haha! That may well be the case….
What’s the worst thing that can happen- it’s rubbish and it goes back.
If it’s good will be a smart call!

Good luck with that !

Do let us know if you get an eagle or a turkey.

err 15m :open_mouth:

I see the QC issue has even made it to the heady heights of AnalogPlanet…


Well it’s flat. Unfortunately I have received alternative tasking so will have to wait a bit before I can actually listen to it. Have the packaging just in case……

You could make him an offer to buy the place aswell for a mere 15 million, a snip methinks!

Good lord, I had no idea that properties costing that much exist in Hove (actually), even if they do back right onto The Channel! I rather doubt that any financial institution would make sufficient readies available for me to take it off his (and Polly’s, presumably) hands.

Ok have given it a listen. Few unnecessary crackles and pops first track side 1- after that absolutely fine. Plus I love the remaster. And for £22 which these days is a bargain for vinyl-( just preordered Beyoncé’s new album renaissance on vinyl for my daughter’s birthday- £64…!!!)
So keeping my copy and very glad I took a chance.


I have had to wait to throw in a comment as I have been away for the last couple of weeks. Had a good listen to the 2018 remix in High Def on Amazon Music via my Node 2i / Qutest. They have clearly moved things around in the soundstage and there is definitely more detail, definition, call it what you like. The most astonishing thing to me is the width of the soundstage going way beyond the speakers - really immersive. I then listened to the 1994 remix on CD on my CDX2 / XPSDR. It’s lacking all the things above - but is still really enjoyable to listen to, I wasn’t in any hurry to stop playing it. In fact I slightly prefer the less powerful bass. My two digital sources sound almost identical when comparing a CD and a rip on my NAS so I know the differences are all in the mixes. I really want to own the vinyl but am a bit put off by the reported quality issues. Might just stick with Amazon.

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