Poll - New firmware: sound upgrade or downgrade?

Why should app have any effect on the sound?
I was currently thinking about buying an nds and selling nd555 as the whole discussion is making me tired. Maybe better tomorrow.

I can only barely hear it on my office system (WiiM/SN2/harbeth) now that I know it’s there, and it’s present but not obvious on my main system (currently ND5XS2/pass/audiophysics, NDX2 on loan), … but I can clearly hear it in my studio (RME, Dynaudio), where the audio meters show a bit of a mess.

I feel similarly in general: good hifi masks a lot of studio horrors. But in the new firmware on my ND5XS2 hasn’t pushed things too far toward studio.

I think the processing of Audirvāna is different to the Naim app.

I once tried mConnectHD and it sounded ok on my 272, but iirc the actual files were routed via my iPad on the way from the router.

There is also an app jplay for 200euro …
When this will have any effect - would buy at once. But it won’t bring my nd555 back to where it was!

I can also try the Sense App from innous!

Or move the speakers?

This can not be managed by moving speakers - the overblown bass might be tamed but the harshness will get even worse. Tested it already. I really think you all underestimate the difference the fw made in my and I think other systems. It sounds really broken!

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There was a rush!? We waited over a year for Tidal Max support.


In my room the bass is tighter and more defined so I moved the speakers further back towards the wall which Tamed the treble and oddly improved things somewhat, it’s so forward sounding but I really like it. Update: After 4 hours running it all in and having to move the speakers a little further back and more toe in I have to say I am now blown away! It’s so lifelike it’s frightening! The bass is fuller but not overblown at all, it’s like being there specially on live recordings. I think I had the speakers set up for the best I could with what I had but this new sound no longer needs it and now getting the sound I always wanted. So I was wrong! Lol :joy:


Let’s hope they don’t change the FW again then.


There will be a firmware update for the NDS in due course….

Buckle in for the ride folks….


You really should try, you will be surprised.

It must be devastating to have bought and carefully set up a system giving a sound you love to then have a firmware update change that making it sound worse, and I feel for the people in that position.This thread reinforces my feeling that it is best to have a separate DAC - for which if chosen as the best to one’s ears [best affordable] there is no need for any firmware updates, and can remain as purchased indefinitely.


Web technology doesn’t stand still, your ideal situation will only last a few years tops before you can’t stream a radio service, or a high res format. Your DAC only does what it’s told.

Even physical media isn’t exempt from change; the loudness wars were first fought on CD’s, and Vinyl mastering is far from consistent - and trending badly overall.

There is no steady-state for hifi reproduction.

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All the more reason to get originals where possible, before the loudness wars began. Besides, I quite like the search and the occasional charity shop find.

Those factors don’t dictate a DAC firmware change. Online streaming services would require updating of a streaming source, but not tge DAC if separate. A user adjustable DSP box may be the best solution to dealing for dealing with poor mastering/recording, enabling tweaking of aspects of response.

This is the exact situation we’re in no?

They changed the streamer code, not the dac, and it still affected the sound.

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I get the impression that something in the firmware has changed the way that DAC is behaving, and not just the changes to the transport end required for online streaming. If I am correct then having the separate would avoid that happening

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May I make a suggestion to @drago and @geko - you both use two power supplies on the ND555, and the Shunyata Sigma ethernet. Try replacing the Sigma with something standard such as BJC and see what happens. Naim won’t be using these expensive cables for their listening tests and it’s possible that the cables are pushing things over the edge. I may be wrong but I think @Michaelb may have a similar setup, and it would be interesting to hear from them too.


I’ve already been down that route. I’ve tried BJC, Catsnake, Chord C-stream and standard cheapo ethernet cables and all that happens is l lose further resolution. I’ve tried one power supply, plus all the tinkering with the ground and input switches that’s been suggested. I’ve even removed my Superlumina and gone back to Lavender and standard DIN/XLR’s in case it’s there but no overall change to the character, just this constant brashness and overblown bass dominating almost every track. Shifting the streaming work to an old Bluesound Node I’ve got connected to the ND player and instantly the signature is better, much more balanced and more natural. The trouble is the more I listen to the Node the more it highlights how wrong the ND now sounds! I’m beginning to think that the effect the new FW has had is much deeper than even I first thought!