Possible upgrade options to improve performance of NDX2/Supernait 3

I use NDX2, Supernait 3 & Ovator 400S. I am beginning to feel that some of the music I like listening to the streamer using Tidal doesn’t provide enough transparency (an old CD player does a better job). Thus I first started wondering if I should look to upgrade my speakers to either a Focal Kanta or a ProAc Response d30s. Then as I read reviews I started wondering if I will benefit by adding some equipment to supplement both the NDX2 & the Supernait 3. However by now I am fairly unsure which direction to Start off. I see there quite a few discussions along these lines. So apologies if I am starting a new chain on an existing conversation trail.

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An XPS-DR definitely improves the performance of an NDX2. Was very impressed with the SQ uplift when I added one to mine.
I have also heard that the SN3 benefits from the addition of a HiCap, but perhaps not as marked an improvement as the XPS will bring.
The two together may be a significant uplift however though.
Hard to experiment these days as both products are now out of production, but dealers do get them in as people upgrade so worth a check with those around you.


@QuickSticks looks right again.

One query though. What CD player, connected how?

If it feeds into SN3, then upgrading the amp will improve CD replay too, but won’t improve the NDX2 by significantly more than CD. Many of us would get a Hicap before we put a PS on the streamer, but it’s a fine line and in your case the XPSDR may well be more satisfying.

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I did both upgrades. I ordered the HighcapDr with my SN3. I ordered the XPSDr when I ordered my NDX2. Both were purchase in the last year. Because I did not add them at a later date, I cannot tell how much each contributed to SQ. However I am quite satisfied with my system now. Speakers are Spendor A4. Cable is EpicX. All purchased within the last year. Everything contributed to overal SQ.


I use an old Oppo Blue ray/CD player. This feeds into NDX2. I am also looking to upgrade the CD player to a Cyrus or similar CD player once I have cleared my thoughts around the Naim supplements to add to NDX & SN3.


I am surprised that Tidal is beaten by that CD option if all is working as it should, but your ears will know best.

I agree with what other members said, XPS-DR (or NPX300) and HiCap are the way to go. However, before that, I would consider upgrading cables if you haven’t done that already (especially interconnect and power cables). In my system I got much better transparency with them (plus many other benefits).


I started out with a bare SN3 and NDX2. What I hadn’t appreciated when buying was the sheer flexibility of upgrade options I’d opened myself (and my wallet!) to. I was driving Kanta 3’s which the amp did just fine.

I added, stepwise, hicap DR which was subtle but pleasant. Then a hi-line din cable which I liked a lot. Power lines then got added (all 2nd hand) first to the NDX2, then to the hicap and finally the SN3. This all happened over the course of a couple of years and each step could be heard to improve a range of elements in a subtly incremental way. The aggregated gain however, for gradual investments of reasonable amounts of money (all is relative…) is a remarkable transformation from really good to great.

I didn’t try an external ps on the NDX2 but have no doubt it would improve things a step further. One thing I didn’t mention which gave me the biggest wow for buck was replacing my old wall power socket for a fancy furutec rhodium model.

All these upgrades then set me up like the marketing team’s dream, on the next upgrade path towards separates. Still in service are all pieces bar the SN3. Next for me is a dedicated electrical feed happening on Thursday. I’m excited to squeeze a bit more out of the already lovely system I’ve built (so far)


I would swap out the Ovator S-400 for a pair of NEAT Motive SX2 before doing anything else. They are a match made in audio heaven with a NDX 2, HiLine, SN3 & NACA5.

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I had a SN2 / NDX2 with Ovator 400 speakers. I traded to ProAc D30R speakers and enjoyed the upgrade. I also added a XPS DR and HiCapDR over time and felt each was improvement to the system.

…like most of us the upgrade madness kept on going up to the point of retirement when I reached my final system configuration.

C2960C-8PC-L Cisco Catalyst Switch 8 FE PoE > NAS > XPS DR > English Electric 8Switch > NDX 2 > Hi-Line > SuperCap DR > NAC 282 > NAP 250 DR> NAC A5 > ProAc D30RS

I’m now retired and I am done upgrading… I really mean it this time!


I’d get a turntable.
Ovator and Kanta are very different, home demo is essential, doubt you find better than S400 unless something like Kudos or Neat.
A Hicap on SN3 might help too, or go separates.

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Glad you mentioned this as well. It was a true holy sh@t moment for me. Kind of thought something was wrong at first. It just improved everything all at once.

For the OP what everyone else is saying has been my experience as well. I gradually upgraded when I could afford to (XPS-DR, HiCapDR, cabling etc). Everything contributed to a SQ that I’ll have to spend top $ to approve upon.

Before you start throwing money at hardware upgrades that may or may not help, you might want to investigate what is going on here. Is it just Tidal streams that you find lacking, or is it all streams into the NDX2 that sound poor?
To test this you could put some tracks in a USB stick and compare them to the same tracks on Tidal. You certainly wouldn’t be the first person to find that Tidal streams sound inferior in this comparison, and no power supply upgrade will fix that, even though it may be a worthwhile upgrade in other respects.


My setup is Orator S400 with SN2 / HCDR + nDac + XP5 XS2. Comparison of sound quality between Tidal (or Qobuz or any other streaming provider) with CD playback means you are comparing total different music sources which may lead to a different presentation. The way of the digital signal is totally different and although you may play identical music tracks, you cannot be 100 % sure of hearing the same mastering (of the music played).

My personal experience is similar, I always had the feeling, that playing music from streaming sources is less transparent compared to physical medium CD, this is / was the same for streaming via internet or from local UPNP server (in my case, a Melco N1), and in the case of local streaming I compared the playback of the same CD using a CD player compared to the rip of that CDs from the Melco.

I think that many others here in the forum who are deeper in the technical details can explain better, but allow me one comment: I think the effects that you can hear in your systems are probably caused by noise coming from the internet connection and/or your local network setup. In my personal case, I achieve a massive improvement using a audio-optimized switch (e.g. EE8 from Chord etc.) and using LAN-filter modules (in my case: Delock). To my ears, it helped to improve the playback quality significantly in my systems.

I would also agree to other comments here, that all changes to your hardware “after” your digital source, e.g. upgrade of your amp and your speakers probably won´t solve the issue. And by the way, the S400 do not lack transparency. They might not be set up properly - please try to ensure that they have enough space around them at least 50cm to both sides and 40 cm to the rear wall (just a tip…).


Totally different system (222/300/250NC) but I found the same issue compared to playing vinyl on my TT. I actually fixed it with a full loom cable upgrade (Vertere Redlines). I say this as system synergy and both upstream and downstream issues can have strange effects. What ever you do you should really demo first!

In a way it is true that to make a fair comparison of, for example, Tidal vs local streaming of a CD rip, you would ideally want to use the exact same master, release version etc. to ensure that the results are not affected by using different digital source material, if you are just looking to compare the abilities of a piece of hardware such as your Naim streamer.
However, the comparison that really matters is that of the streamers ability to play the CD rip that you actually own with the album which is actially available on your chosen streaming service. So what if they are slightly different versions? They are the versions you are actually going to listen to, so they are the versions you should be comparing.

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Don’t forget a good DIN-DIN interconnect. I am using the Gothic Audio Ella cable between my SN3 and NDX2 and it’s very close to a Morgana, and sounds much like a turbocharged Naim Lavender. Smart $$ for the SQ uplift you get.

I also use HCDR & XPS-DR. Vital for me. Obvious uplift.


Thank you so much to all of you in sharing various way’s I can understand & solve the problem of transparency in my music set-up . I am experimenting with some of these ideas now & hope to get to a better place. thank you again.


Would be nice to read what have worked for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

sure, will do.

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