Possible upgrade options to improve performance of NDX2/Supernait 3

I would definitely start by improving the infrastructure of your system with regards to noise reduction. I have found that streaming systems seem to be extremely sensitive to all manner of severe degradation due to noise from various sources.

I have had great success with products from The Chord Co. in my own system, such as mains block, EE8 switch, EE1 isolators, Power Aray, Ground Aray. etc. There are of course other companies that sell similar products that may be even better but I haven’t tried them.

The fact that you say that an old CD player does a better job is a clue to noise with your streaming set-up being an issue.

None of these things are as sexy as buying new black boxes and they may appear on the face of it to represent poor VFM - they are not cheap. My own experience has been that on the contrary the sorts of improvements they make are absolutely vital and fundamental and are not available elsewhere.

As always, YMMV.


Thank you. I am indeed planning to adopt all of these marginal improvements before changing anything wholesale. There is one other suggestion that Naim technical team gave; is to add a NAP 250 to the Supernait 3, if I wanted to drive slightly bigger speakers like Focal Sopra 2 or 3, Kudos 606 or similar. But I plan to do that after making some of the changes in accessories as many of you have suggested.
One other point I wanted to clarify; while I use the Oppo CD player but it connect’s through the NDX2 DAC.


I would focus on the power supply for the source. So an XPSDR first before changing interconnects.

Spend your money on the big things. Interconnects, powerlines, speaker cables are icing on the cake. You could spend £2k on cabling very easily.

So XPSDR first.

Consider how far you want to go in your hifi journey and how much you want to spend!


Wise comments. I purchased my NDX2 and XPSDr and my cable upgrade more or less at the same time, so it was impossible to attribute what caused the greatest increase in SQ.


I have Tidal and V. Tuner . I consider both to ok for casual listening. Local files from my NAS sound the best.

I have followed a similar upgrade path to others.

I started with an NDX2 and a Supernait 2 with Spendor A5 speakers.

I added a (non DR) XPS to the streamer which brought about a significant improvement in sound quality.

I then added a HiCapDR to the Supernait 2. The improvement here was more subtle but nevertheless worthwhile.

Most recently I replaced the XPS2 with the new NPX300 power supply. This brought about an appreciable improvement in sound quality.

I am minded to leave it there for now. The next step will be to replace the Spendor A5 speakers with the A4.


I have a nd5xs2 hooked into a SN3.
I added a second hand hicap dr to the amp, the uplift (to my ears) was significant, better definition, more space, more focus, tighter all round. A recommended, worthwhile upgrade in my opinion.
I have in my head a roadmap for upgrades, speakers, streamer/dac, and maybe amp.


Thanks for the continued suggestions.

In the meanwhile I have been listening to some of the new Naim equipment & it’s pairing with Focal. The new 200 classic series on Focal Sopra 2 is definitely head & shoulder above my current NDX2, Supernait 3 & Ovator 400 s combination. Additionally when I heard the 200 series & substituted NAP 250 with the new 350 mono blocks, the sound quality improvement is perceptible.
So as the next step, adding a NPX 300 to the NDX2 streamer & a NAP 250 or still better a NAP 350 mono blocks to Supernait 3 will lead to a significant improvement in performance. I have to take a call if the addl. spend is worth the improvement. Also if I am spending money on addl. equipment is it better to upgrade or just buy a new set (i.e. either classic 200 or classic 300) as replacement purely from a sound quality point of view? In HK we don’t have too many dealers who have a good understanding of some of these nuances.

As for the speakers, Focal Sopra 2 sounds very good with Naim though I haven’t heard many other combinations yet & so will listen to a few others before I am clear on the path forward. A friend of mine bought a Wilson Sabrina X to pair with the previous generation of NAC 282’s & he speaks very highly of how well it pairs with Naim. So all in all some more due diligence continues before I start locking in my steps.

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NDX2 with any PS is a very good source if Tidal/ Qobuz is working well and the signal from the router is ok.

To beat Supernait with Hicap materially, you would probably need OC 282/Hicap/250 (or serviced olive 82/HC/250), or 332/250 or 222/250 (selling the NDX2 and PS) from the new range.

If you can find second hand bargains, you will get much better SQ per £, but perhaps a less tidy-looking system.

Personally, I’d probably go s/h on one of those routes if I can before thinking about changing speakers - your speakers may sound a good deal better.

Whether it is with new boxes or your existing system, I would audition any alternative speakers that you do want to try with your boxes if possible - whether that means arranging a home dem or taking a car-load of boxes to a dealer dem.

Good luck!


I have the SN3, the NDX2, HighcapDr, XPSDr and A4 speakers and am very satisfied. I also found moving to EpicX interconnect and speaker cable has made a significant difference in SQ.


I don’t know about second hand Naim dealers in Hong Kong & thus the decision for me is whether I add power supply or amplification to my current set-up; which many of you here tell me is the path you have taken, or else to trade in my current system for higher end specification. The other thing that makes this process inefficient in HK; none of the dealers are willing to provide you home demo. So I can’t test this in my space & have to use my judgement. That is the reason I am trying to get a good theoretical understanding from people who have done this before & then match that with what I hear in the dealer’s place.


If you can try a 555PSU on the NDX2.


I echo the suggestion made by @LindsayM.
Assuming you are happy with your speakers (and have done all you can regarding room treatment) then the 1 upgrade I would make with your existing system, is add a 555DR power supply to your streamer.


Yes, if you would like more detail, transparency and engagement rather than richness and big sound, it would be the NC to look into.

I had the NDX2 and SN3 both after upgarded respectively with XPSDR and HiCapDR followed by SCDR and they do add to the lovely rich mellow deep side of things and dynamic contrast but not really detail and that immediate presence.


Different ears…

We found that adding XPSDR to NDX2 added detail, air and stereo clarity as most obvious benefits. Many here have found that adding a Hicap to SN3 does what a better power supply usually does to Naim amplification - more grip in the bass, more cohesion and better timing plus background.

As long as we all decide what works for our ears in our rooms, it’s all good.


I would not deny any of that, especially as a perception. The XPSDR and HCDR did help (not hugely though), and the SCDR was to me what one might call transformative to the SN3, yet on balance all of these added richness and depth more than they did to improve liveliness and transparency (sure, to my ears, as always).


Thankyou for your positive reply.

hi all, I have had a few rounds of listening to the various Naim options. Adding a 555PS to my NDX2 is a definite upgrade. So I will execute this.
As for upgrade of the power amplification of supernait 3; One thought was to add NAP 350 mono blocks to Supernait 3; however I am not sure if this is a good idea as the pre-amp may then end up being the weakest link. On the other hand it may be better to buy NAC 332 and 350 mono blocks. The only trouble in the second option is that I will need to trade away the Supernait 3. Anyone here has some thoughts on this line of thinking?

555 on the NDX2 is a no brainier. As far as the NC items are concerned I’ve never heard but in any event a demo is essential. But everything else being equal a well matched pre power configuration will be an improvement. But don’t rule out a SC on the SN.

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A hicap on the supernait is the easy answer.
All depends on the ultimate goal.
Hicap, then 282, then 250 in stages would be more appropriate.