Possible upgrade options to improve performance of NDX2/Supernait 3

Most find adding a Hicap to a Supernait a noticeable upgrade.

Your source will show the benefits of a bigger upgrade if you don’t mind adding boxes and cost. I’d suggest a/h offers much better vfm at the moment. You could get (serviced) 82/Hicap/250, or the newer (but comparable) 282/HC/250, but you could go further and get 52/Supercap/ 250 (a fantastic combo) or the newer 252/SC/250.

The new boxes are excellent but cost a good deal more.

Good luck!


In Hongkong I don’t have an eco system for buying older Hicap/Supercap etc. So the only way to upgrade is using new classic pieces. Thus my question: is it a good idea to use Supernait 3 with 350 mono blocks or should I get NAC332 and 350 mono blocks to get the right musicality.

If you can afford it 332 no question. The sn3 is good don’t get me wrong but a dedicated pre is better


There has been some good advice here. Given the ‘trading’ restrictions, I would make a couple of points.

  • Budget - this needs to be set early so advice here can be logical.

  • If you enjoy your S400s - wouldn’t part with mine, but if you wish to move on Focal is not everyones idea of a pairing with Naim electronics. Ask @seakayaker if he can expand on his reasons for moving on from S400s perhaps?

  • In the interim, have you ever checked the torque specs for the Ovators. Threads here worth a read or you’re welcome to ask. It does make a real difference.

  • I have NSC222 + NC250 with S400s in a second system - bought the NC kit unheard - delighted. Only caveat, is that NPX didn’t integrate for me in a difficult / quirky room.

  • In terms of maximising what you have, retain NDX2, add NAC332 and NC250. The S400s will reward you well. If you still have in mind to change speakers, or budget is available, then buy NC350s, which will allow more future options, but the S400s sing with NC250. [I have tried with NAP300DR, another step up, so NC350 would be fine, if you wish to go that far.]

  • If the opportunity was to arise, add ps to NDX2, but constraints may suggest an NPX so that you can swap out NDX2 longer term.

Correctly setup, S400s work well with NC kit, whichever you choose.


The general concensus is that the pre-amp is the weaker ‘half’ of the supernait so adding a pre-amp (282 or 332??) and using the SN as a power-amp is sensible. Or trade the SN for a 332 and NC 250??


Most people only use the sn3 as just a pre or power amp temporarily with the plan of eventually getting full separates. Some people are perfectly happy with just sn3 and a hicap. Personally when I demoed I felt going up to 282/hcdr/250dr was worth the extra money. You need to decide what you can afford first and look at what is possible in your area (what is available trade in/second hand for example). Until you decide that we can’t advise for example I’m never going to listen to the new classic 300 series because I can’t afford it. I think you need to decide where you want to stop before you make yourself very confused. It’s very easy on here for us to tell you what is best because it isn’t our money. Just remember that no matter what you pick there will be “better” sounding options higher up the naim ladder.


Upgrade to s600’s and run them active with SuperNait / hicap / hicap / snaxo bmr / nap 250 :slight_smile:

They say indeed that the preamp of the SuperNait is the weaker part, but somehow the above mentioned setup works wonders.


hi all, thanks to all of you on this community who have been able to provide me a lot of guidance as I did the various demos. Financially I can upgrade to the new classic 300 series. I don’t continuously upgrade and so once I do it this time I don’t expect to do anything for the next 5 odd years. For the kind of music I listen to the demos sound very good on the NSC333, NPX300, NSC 332 & NAP 350 or NAP 250. My listening test is not able to help me make a choice between NAP 250 vs. NAP 350 mono blocks. I have heard these to drive Focal Sopra 2 level speakers. My final speaker choice will be between Kudos 606 or 707. Keeping this background would some of you be able to provide your thoughts on the framework I should use to decide the power amp between NAP 250 & NAP 350. Thanks in advance to all of you.

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Can I also request either Richard Dane or any other participant from Naim to share their thoughts on this thread. Thanks again.

When I listened to the 2 x 350s versus 250 NC, I found that the money blocks had better grip on the bass and they have effortless power.

They are better power amps than the 250.

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My listening to the New Classics has not been extensive but certainly, if you can afford it, the NAP350 Monos would be the way to go. Just don’t compromise anything earlier in the chain if that’s the only way to afford them - in that case stick with the 250 and max out the source.


I’m not sure Dan, the 250 with the right speakers, room and a superb pre / source can be all the power amp you need.
Take my 250DR, on the end of a 552 it excels with a beautiful balanced sound.
Also, remember the Naim HQ visit and the NC250, well what can I say, for me the NC250 was stand out product of the day :grinning:


Ain’t that the truth :joy::joy::joy:


Interesting that you found the 250NC the stand out of the day.

For my ears the 350 ‘money blocks’ as they are now known, sounded better for reasons stated.

More grip and better control of everything.

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As the sources, pre went up in quality the NC250 stayed, grab those huge Focals with authority, okay the 350s pipped the 250 but for me not by much. Maybe we required another full day to concentrate on all the options, I would have loved to see the 500 series come out to play but time wasn’t on our side.

Anyway when spending this sort of cash home demo is essential :muscle:


thanks for your inputs. Home demo is one thing that I don’t get in HK. However all my previous choices have been without Home demo’s. So I am fine with that risk in this instance too. I agree with you it would have been so much easier with a home demo.


Thank you so much Richard for that.

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Thanks Dan, much appreciate this input. Will keep you all posted once I am done with the decision. Thanks


I am sorry I didn’t fully pick this message up earlier. Thanks for your suggestions on how to maximise the Ovator 400S capabilities. I will definitely look that up as well before I trade in for the 606.

Good advice from Richard here, I think. Having listened to a pair of 350s in a 200 series system I found it lacking compared to a 300 system with a 250.
That was listening with Kudos Titan 808s, and the 250 did not struggle to drive them.

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