Possible upgrade options to improve performance of NDX2/Supernait 3

I also wanted to share an observation on my speaker search. Apart from Focal, I listened to Wilson Sabrina X and Watt Puppy and then finally Kudos 606. Wilson’s treated the acoustic instrumental music very well but didn’t have the same grasp on vocals as my current Ovator. It is almost as if the emotions was missing. However once I played orchestra music the Wilson’s were supreme. The only speaker to my limited review that came close to conveying emotions the way Ovator does it was Kudos 606. Focal’s are good but are average in coveying emotions. Ovator 400 has something about it!


As part of the changeover, this week, I substituted the NDX2 with NSS333 & NPX300. The result has been outstanding. Naim’s advice to invest in “Source first” does have merit! I continue to be using Supernait 3 for pre & power amp. I will replace this with NAC332 & NAP250 next weekend. My speaker, Ovator 400S, seems to have grown up overnight. I have never heard it performing so well.

I keep thinking about how best to describe what difference the NSS333 has made: If I spoke in picture terms, I would say that the movie screen expanded to a cinemascope & the colour contrast increased. I am able to hear a lot more of the music. Also the rendition is very relaxed. The musicality is up a few notches. It makes you feel emotional a few notches up. I don’t need to increase volume to hear all parts of the recording.

Of course all this is without any change to my amplifier’s. Will share further thoughts after the next stage of upgrade.

Thanks for everyone’s thoughts all along.


Did the NDX2 run on its own power supply or an external one?
I tried my NDX2 on its own PSU, and it was okay. A mild upgrade from the ND5XS2. But adding a 555PSU and it made it come alive.
Don’t forget, you have replaced a £5k streamer with £14k worth of equipment.( new prices).


when or if you go back listening for new speakers you should check out Audiovector.


I drove my NDX2 without an external PS. Yes, I agree with your point.


wanted to check-in with a very basic detail: Can I place the NAP 350 mono blocks, one on top of the other or is it advisable not to do so?

Don’t rule out a different front end, I went with a Chord Hugo2 over an Naim Atom HE into my SN3 because to my ears it sounded more transparent.

Not recommended as I understand it, even with the new 350s, most obviously for cooling.

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