Power supplies w a NAIM preamp

First time poster. I recently picked up a used NAP 150X and am looking at a few used NAIM preamps to partner it with (202, 112, 102) The connections are all a bit confusing and Naim has no presence in my area of Canada, so I’m looking at buying used over the internet and having it shipped. Which power supplies will work with any of these preamps? And the plastic plugs, when do they have to be used?

At one point from memory, NAIM amps had a requirement that their speaker cables be used to avoid instability in the outputs of the amps. Is this still the case with the 150X?


Welcome to the forum!

Any of those pre-amps (112, 102, 202) will work with the NAP150x and all can be powered straight from the power amp as a first step (that’s where the link plugs are used). Did your NAP150x come with the SNAIC4? It should have done, as this is what you need to connect to the pre-amp.

If considering a NAC112 then I would strongly advise you look for the superior NAC112x or, better still, the NAC122x, or NAC152xs. For these pre-amps, you could consider a Flatcap/FC2/FC2x/FC2xs as the next upgrade power supply. Any secondhand example of the Flatcap you see you should ensure that it comes with the SNAIC5 that you will need in order to connect it up.

The NAC202 is a superior pre-amp to the slimline ones mentioned above, and if the budget allows, would be your best performance option. Here you have two power supply upgrade steps; first is a NAPSC which takes over power for the control logic system. This greatly reduces noise and is a very cost effective upgrade. Next, is a dedicated power supply for the analogue circuits, and that’s a HICAP (again, should come with a SNAIC5).

The NAC102 was the old predecessor to the NAC202. It’s similar in concept but you lose some niceties such as unity gain on the AV input, and also RCA inputs among others.


Any direction on the plastic plugs? There were none provided with the amp of course but the preamps I’m looking at, some have them, some don’t. When will I need them and when will I not need them?

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Thanks for the informative post. The second hand NAP150X came with a SNAIC4 connection plug at the amp end and RCA’s at the other end so usable in some situations. Does the HiCap power both control logic and analog circuits in the preamp? Or are both a NAPSC and a HiCap required to power the 2 ?

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The pre-amps should all come with at least a 5 pin DIN link plug (small round black plastic with five pins). The NAC102 and NAC202 also should come with a paddle link plug (shaped like a paddle) with 4 pins.

You need the 5 pin plug fitted when powering the pre-amp directly from the internal preamp PS in the power amp.

The paddle links on the NAC102 and 202 are fitted if you don’t have a NAPSC connected.

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The SNAIC4 should have DIN4s at both ends. It sounds like the cable you have with the NAP150x was for use with a non-Naim pre-amp.

Here’s the forum FAQ all about SNAICs and interconnects;



Thanks. I also asked about a Hicap. Does it make the snapsc attached to a 202 redundant or are they both required? Dave

The HICAP doesn’t replace the NAPSC. It’s best to do the NAPSC first then add the HICAP.

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Thanks and thanks for your patience. Where does a flatcap figure in all this? I’m leaning toward a 202 but I’ve also been offered a 150xs with a flatcap

Any PS is worth having…
FC or HC… :sunglasses:


you have choices and you should find a decent one around. The Nac202 would be the best of the bunch and is more upgradable but a Naim NAC122x is a very good slim case version or the later NAC152XS.

Your poweramp will power any of the preamps you mention without the need for additional power supplies.

You can upgrade the sound by adding a Flatcap 2 or XS later. If you get a NAC202 you can upgrade by adding a NAPSC and/or a Flatcap 2 or XS or better still a HiCap.

A NAC202 with Napsc and Hicap is a very good-sounding preamp but a Flatcap will improve the sound too instead of a Hicap.

I’m leaning toward a 202, with or without a NAPSC. The flatcap is being offered with a 152xs.

Is the flatcap not as good as a Hi-Cap?

No, its smaller - not as good.

IMO, a 202 should have a NAPSC and a HiCap.

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That is what I was thinking. Naim though is not as plentiful in this part of the world as compared to the UK…

@Davestp1 welcome, a word of warning we’re very good at spending other folks money on here! Depending on your budget don’t overlook a 2nd hand 282 it actually works very well with and powered by a 150.




Indeed a 282 is a very flexible preamp. It comes complete with a NAPSC and is very flexible on the power supply options.


No, a Flatcap is not as good as a Hicap (particularly DR version) but it will still improve the sound of a NAC202.

I would get a NAC202 if you can use it with the amp and power supply you have it will sound good and if you wish to you have options for upgrade paths.

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Well said…!!!

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Naimology 101, syllabus: Buy Naim power amp. Buy Naim preamp. Power amp powers your preamp.

Naimology Masters level, syllabus: As 101, but buy power supplies. These power your preamp.

An opinion sometimes offered by old and wise professors here in the faculty, is to buy the best preamp you can afford.


I have looked at a couple of 282’s and an 82 as well. The SNAIC that comes with them won’t work on 120V we have here, which is why I’m only looking at power supplies separately. They come up less often in North America.