Power supplies w a NAIM preamp

Um I’m confused the 282 comes with napsc and requires a hicap so I fail to see how that is any less suitable than a 202.

Neither NAC282 nor NAC82 come with a Snaic.

Both would happily work with the NAP150x that you have picked up via the Snaic 4 DIN-DIN that should have come with it.


Misprint on my part. Not a SNAIC but Snaps power supply. The inclusion of one from the UK is of no use as they are 230V and we use 120. The Preamp by itself is a starting point. So a 282, an 82, a 202 are what I am looking at, with power supplies obtained here that are 120V.

A 282 comes with the NAPSC, so make sure it matches the voltage!

I used a 112x/200 combination for a while and thoroughly enjoyed it. The combination was mainly because it was a good deal at my dealers as it was traded in, but used it for roughly 10 years before I upgrades the 112x and even longer for the 200. Especially 112x’s can be found for very cheap nowadays, so could be worth checking and see what you potentially stretch to. It’ll also visually match the 150x, as the facia is different from the classic series.

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Hi, welcome to the forum from a fellow Canadian. Where are you located exactly? I live in Ontario and used to own Naim gear. There is a dealer I use in Aurora Ontario that is a certified Naim dealer. Looking on his website I see he has a used 202 and a 152 for sale, at what seems like decent prices. I have had gear shipped from them before with no issues. Richard, I know we can not provide links here, but is it ok to give the name of Naim dealers?

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I’ve had 152XS/FCXS/155XS back then, great memories, that pairing did something very special.
A Nac 202 is higher in hierarchy and matched Nap 200/hicap.
Not that Nac 202 won’t work with a 150x but 152XS/FCXS is rather good solution if price is right.


So an FC can be used with a 202? If so, worth bearing in mind.

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FC can be used with a 282 as well.


yes, it can, no issues and it will make a difference to sound quality also, as it has two outputs you can use the other to power a Stageline or a CD5 model that has upgrade power options.

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Found the dealer and emailed. Thanks.

Another question…There are a few flatcaps for sale used on the usual sites in Canada. I know that the SNAPS and Hi-Cap are what is recommended for a 202. But can a Flatcap be used along with a HiCap on a 202? Or is it one or the other only along with a Snaps?


For 102 or 202 … It’s NAPSC (optional) for the digital circuits and one of … the Power amp (up to 200 level) / a Flatcap /a HiCap or a Supercap for the Analogue circuits.


For 82 or 282 (either of which would be a really good step up) it’s the same except the NAPSC comes as an essential part of the package and you can also use 2 identical PSU’s from the list rather than one, if you wish.


I think Crazyriver answered you, I am not familiar with Snaps? I used to use a Highcap DR with my old Supernait 2. Glad you found the dealer, I find it easier to give them a call…they open at 11 AM. Emails sometimes get missed I find. Mike is the name of the guy you would be talking to. Did you see their ad for the 202 and 152?

Yes. I emailed them. I’ll call later

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Mike is very familiar with Naim, so should be able to answer any questions you have directly.

Thanks Robinho. Very useful to know. Makes sense really but I’ve only seen HC etc. on Naim connection diagrams.

The NAC202 can use a Flatcap or a Hicap but not both.

Either will work alongside a NAPSC for the lights and logic circuits.


I’d use this simple guidance. Use a Flatcap for a similarly sized preamp, such as 122 or 152. For a 202 or 282, 102 or 82, you want a Hicap. Forget the Snaps. This is a very early power supply and only provides a single 24v feed. Unless it’s been dual railed, which is rare. A Hicap is much better than a Snaps. If you get a 102 or 202, you want a Napsc and a Hicap. If you get an 82 or 282, it needs a Napsc to work. Then you want a Hicap as well.


Will the 202 work with just a hi cap then? Will the lights and logic circuits controlled by a napsc be run by the hi cap? Dave

Yes, NAPSC is only optional on a 202.

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