
It’s an early 2013 model, and criterion are a decent dealer.

Could you clarify if you are still using ATC 50s and how much you are able to spend upgrading your electronics?

Are you committed to the 50s and to the CDX as a source?

I am asking because your system as stated in your profile appears extraordinarily imbalanced, if I may say so.

I have ATC 7s. As it happens, I am committed to those speakers. If I had your electronics on my 7s I would start by going to a 282, then XPS for the CDX, then a hicap for the 282. At that point it would be in very good shape.

However, it seems you have 50s. You probably need a 252/300 minimum to do them justice. I doubt a CDX/XPS would be adequate either.

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If I were in your shoes and didn’t want to spend a ton of money I might sell the 50s and use the proceeds on 19s, a 282/hicap, and a good cd transport with a Chord Hugo TT2 or Qutest/m scaler.

Yes, I use ATC SCM50 and sound with NAP250 is very nice. Sources are CDX and NDX. ATC I altenate with Dynaudio Confidence 3.

A used NAC 282 is the ideal partner for your NAP 250. Needs a HiCap but you would have a great pre / power combo!


Would members please respect and abide by forum rules - specifically here regarding references to items for sale. Thanks.

Sorry! I did not read this!!!

I am using subwoofer Dynaudio connected to XS2 sub out. How could I connect sub to 282?

You take it from a parallel output of the hicap, or from the terminals on the speakers themselves.

I ended finding and follow your advices with NAC282. Now I am waiting for delivery from UK. I will try to connect with Flatcap XS, but you adviced Hicap, isn ´t it?
Thanks for help to everyone.

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Yes the 282 really needs at least a HiCap to show what it can do. A Flatcap will get you started, but you’d be compromising the 282’s performance.


If you have a digItal source incorporating a volume control, you might not need a preamp at all. Certainly that is what I have found, but my only source is streaming from my own music store. YMMV of course.

Just about run in, half way to a 15 year service …… need any more persuasion?

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Not for the latter. Dynaudio subs don’t have high-level inputs, so they cannot be connected directly to an amp or a speaker.

I have a Dynaudio Sub500 and when I had a 282/HiCap I tried connecting it to a HiCap low-level output. No matter what I did to adjust the sub it just sounded absolutely horrible: very boomy, plodding and unmusical. It ruined the performance of the system. Dyn subs are really better for HT systems. REL subs – with high-level inputs – work much better as subs for music.

Hmmm! It will be interesting connect sub to 282…

Hi all, I finally get NAC282 from London to Czech rep.
How I wrote I wanted to replace Nait XS2 used as pream and powered with Flatcap XS, but NAC 282 connected to FlatCap XS is not working, only mute button is flashing. Is possible to use FlatCap XS to power NAC282?
Thanks for help!

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Do you have the NAPSC connected (and powered up) to the NAC282?

Yes of course, buttons light, mute is flashing…

Second link plug fitted on the NAC282?

There is no jumper in delivered box between Link2 and Upgrade2 sockets!
It could be the problem, or no?