
What do you mean Second link plug?

You should have one of the two link plugs fitted (link 2), as the Flatcap will be powering via Upgrade 1.

You need a link plug connected to the link 2 socket, like this.

The other thing you could do is to use two Snaic 5 leads and connect the Flatcap to both upgrade 1 and upgrade 2.

Remember that the 282 really needs a Hicap, rather than a Flatcap.

OK boys, thanks for help! Now I will connect the second power output of Flatcap XS to Upgrade2 socket. I will report…

It is working now! I have two 5pin cables and I am playing music just now.
The sound is very different from XS2! How you said, it is another level from the first moment.
Thank you all!!!


I will start to find Hicap and I need link plug! Isn´t it?
I will contact seller Criterion Audio from Cambridge to complete delivery…


That’s exactly right. Or get a Supercap, in which case you won’t need the link plug!

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