Price increases

In the year to December 2023 the annual inflation rate was 4.2%, unchanged from November.

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Hmm, an average price rise that is twice the rate of inflation.


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Well, actually more than twice, as some are less than a year from being launched.

Without seeing the financials of Naim the reasoning behind the price increases is speculation. We donā€™t know the full story, it could be theyā€™re trying to extract higher margins or the increases may be a reflection of actual higher costs, or a little of both.

Just FYI, the UK Core Inflation Rate was 5.1% as of December 23.

When does Naimā€™s financial year endā€¦ā€¦?


The text and figure I quoted was taken from the UK Office of National Statistics website.

Additionally, again from ONS website:

The core CPIH annual inflation rate was 5.2% in December 2023. This is the joint-lowest rate since June 2022, when it was also 5.2%. It is down from a recent high of 6.5% in May 2023, which was the highest rate since November 1991, when it was also 6.5% in the constructed historical series.

So the increase likely includes factors specific to Naimā€™s production costs and financial position, including, I suspect, taking into account the strength of NC sales.

I bet your partner fell about laughing at that!


Iā€™m trying to place the time of the comment and it may well have been to a pal when we were abroad on a lads holiday, before I was actually engaged, and I was just commenting on the silly prices of certain hi-fi components so it could have been a Ā£20 AT moving magnet and it would still have been correct. In reality it was probably after I got the Linn Arkiv for a grand or so, again when I was effectively single.

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See other response.

I wasnā€™t actually engaged at the time but if you see what I mean I might have been thinking about it!

Ultimately the ring we bought was lovely, and we had a fantastic day out in London choosing it, fantastic French restaurant for lunch and copious Bollinger RD at one of the famous London hotels.

I think I got an MP3 player as part of the trip, I was happy, and skint :joy:


I believe you. Many others may not!!

Still, as long as your partner doesnā€™t read this forum, your secrets safe with usā€¦

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Thereā€™s the devil of social media - she wouldnā€™t have the slightest interest but my teenage kids might decide to look back on what dad used to post online one day!

Niche products, small forum, plus they know my ā€˜handleā€™. :scream_cat:

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Here is the price list. Iā€™m most impressed with the Robin Hood pricing policy. The Statement goes up a lot - letā€™s face it, whatā€™s Ā£10,000 to a potential Statement buyer? Whereas the plebs and their Unitis get a reduction. Whatā€™s not to like? Take from the rich, give to the poor. Bring it on.

The idea that costs reflect production costs has surely to be questioned. How can Mu-so prices come down so much when shipping costs are blamed for increases and they are coming half way round the world. Itā€™s pure marketing, disconnected from the costs of production.


We can only assume that sales are good and the price rises will be ā€˜absorbedā€™ by eager customers.

Unfortunately not by me unless I win the Lottery/EuroMillions.

Maybe in a few years once I actually retire I might throw a bit of pension lump sum at my last system, but I doubt it, and again I think Iā€™d have to audition many other options before doing so.

Has the Nova price dropped?

I would guess not really much Statement or 500 traffic these days. Uniti and Muso have been discounted in the recent pastā€¦ā€¦so hit the new-top sellers.
My daughter works for a shipping companyā€¦ā€¦she laughed at Ā£1k for a 2 box 500 seriesā€¦ā€¦made here?

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Down by Ā£400. Rather irritating for someone who bought one last week. Not me, but still.

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Apart from Core and Atom HC the rest are cheaper unless thereā€™s been a typo!

Star is Ā£500 cheaper!

It would be lovely to think that good sales are allowing more competitive pricing on the lower rungs.

The Unitis and the musos have been in discount since last November, as there is (obviously) a new generation coming out soon.

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That would be my assumption too, but it may simply be that the R&D for the streaming boards has been recouped aplenty allowing for some discounting. Nice to dream I guess :wink: