Price increases

Do you have new Focal price list?

I’m quite amazed that the “limited edition” Nait 50 is still listed, meaning 1973 of them haven’t been sold yet! It just gets to show I feel that this forum is not exactly representative of those who are actually buying Naim.

Mind you when you look at the price list (ignoring muso) a list going from £1.6k to £84k is a bit “mad Ted”. Must be very confusing from a marketing perspective.

Are there many other brands with this huge differential between ranges?



Err what? You might have to walk me through that.

It really doesn’t pay to look at UK prices when you live outside the UK - random example the Atom is now listed at GBP 2299 which is about AU$4444 - last list price we saw before current mad (continuing) discounting was AU$6000. Yes I know about local distributor mark up etc, just reminding you UK folk to enjoy your (new) pricing!

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…rather rude, Sir!..


It’s an outdated model to be honest. So many proper high end manufacturers are now selling direct.

Naim would be better off ditching the model in some overseas markets that cover huge territories, selling direct and with a fraction of what they save from ditching the distributor hire a full time Naim servicing team of 2-3 people to provide support and servicing. I expect the customer and Naim would both benefit financially from that and from what I hear about servicing quality in some places, the benefits might include better local servicing options too.


From a Channel 4 sitcom called Fr. Ted. Now more quoted than Shakespeare apparently.



Of course it’s important to add some context to this statement to show that the UK is not alone or an outlier in this situation and in some respects is doing as well as or better than some of it’s competitors.

The EU’s retail sales were -3.9 in March 2023 and -2.11 in September 2023. - 2000 - 2023 | MONTHLY | % | CEIC DATA.

Latest GDP data

In Q3 2023, UK GDP decreased by 0.1% compared with the previous quarter (Q2 2023). Eurozone GDP fell by 0.1%, with German GDP also falling by 0.1%. In the US, GDP grew by 1.2% over the quarter.

GDP growth in recent years

UK GDP in Q3 2023 was 1.4% above its pre-pandemic level of Q4 2019. This compares with Eurozone GDP being 3.0% higher, with GDP in Germany up by 0.3%. The other G7 economies had higher growth than the UK over this period, including the US where GDP was 7.4% higher.

Stats from the House of Commons Library. Data from OECD.

In September, UK GDP data was revised higher by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS [revised up GDP growth in 2020 and 2021 due to additional information becoming avaiable, including on the costs firms faced in the pandemic.

As a result, the UK’s economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic was stronger than previously thought. Before the revisions, UK GDP was 0.2% lower in Q2 2023 compared to its pre-pandemic level of Q4 2019. It is now estimated to be 1.8% higher.

Other countries, including Spain and Italy, have also revised up their GDP estimates for recent years, with more likely to do so in future.

OECD and IMF Forecasts

On 29 November, the OECD published updated forecasts for the world economy. The OECD said that global growth had been stronger than expected in 2023 but that growth will remain modest in 2024 and 2025. The OECD forecasts UK GDP to grow by 0.5% in 2023 (up from 0.3% in its previous forecast) and by 0.7% in 2024 (down from 0.8%).

On 10 October, the IMF published updated forecasts for the world economy. The IMF said that global growth had been more resilient in the first half of 2023 than it had expected, but the medium-term outlook was subdued. The IMF forecasts UK GDP to grow by 0.5% in 2023 (up from 0.4% in its previous forecast) and by 0.6% in 2024 (down from 1.0%).

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this made me chuckle mate!haha

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I received an email earlier from the dealer with the drums to say “Naim will be increasing their prices on the 1st February across the majority of their product range”.

Not really. HH has a UnitiNova himself. So he’s making a joke against himself.

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With regards to shipping problems through the Suez Canal, could the shipping companies not just employ a small but highly trained group of Ex US/UK mercenaries to protect the ships through the danger zones?

A small group of highly trained and well armed mercenaries should be able to protect the boats from being taken over at a much smaller cost to the shipping company than re routing around the Cape of Africa or Cape of Good Hope.

Think the UK and US navy’s are doing it anyway, however it’s just another crack in a dangerous world.

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Have you tried Plus Net, apparently they use EE’s network, in the past I’ve used them as tool to reduce EE’s prices.

It’s not piracy though, they’re firing missiles at the boats.

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I think from what I’ve seen, it’s a bit of both.

Are the price increases making anyone here actually consider a purchase?

I think you aren’t following the news all that closely. The attacks are now from guided missiles fired from inside the sovereign territories alongside the Red Sea. No group of mercenaries employed by the shipping companies could do anything about that.

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I think theres a bit of both, as in a bit of piracy and then the more new form of direct missile attack.

And yes, of course you are right mercenaries won’t stop a missile attack.

Mu-so 2nd Gen is approaching 5 years old now. They have messed around with the pricing chronically though. Launched at 1299, went up to 1599 a couple of years ago if memory serves, then got discounted the arse out of it in pretty much every retailer which smelt of sales drying up at the higher price. Been revised down 3 times since? 899 is Gen 1 pricing?