ProAc D2R and D20R

Thanks! How was the bass response of D2 in your room?

The bass response was very good. I had the ProAc D2’s with my NAIT XS 2 (70W) and they worked extremely well in my small system of a NAS > ND5 XS > NAIT XS 2 > NAC A5 > ProAc D2.

So in my room, my system with my ears the D2’s worked for me quite well. …and the experience I had with the D2’s turned me into a ProAc speaker fan.

Best to do a demo at a dealer lounge and then a home demo if you can. I am fortunate I have a dealer a few miles away and have been fortunate to listen to speakers in his demo room as well as arrange a home demo.


What about the 30RS? How do they really do across a 14’ wide room while 22’’ from the wall? Is the back wall treated and highly absorbing?

…the back wall is plaster, no wall treatment. The D30RS have a downward-firing bass port that fires straight onto the base plinth with the sound exiting from openings on the side and assists with positioning of the speaker.

So to answer your question,“How do they really do across a 14’ wide room while 22’’ from the wall?” They do quite well and sound absolutely fantastic!

My room, my. system, my ears, and do love the ‘ProAc’ speakers…


Without trying to derail the thread, but has anyone tried the K1’s against the D2r’s?

I have never heard or seen a pair of K1 speakers but do hope to be able to listen to a pair some day.

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I’d love to hear/see them as well. Probably a lot easier in the UK than where I’m at in North America

They do look pretty weird with the gappy bit at the bottom. All very high tech but not exactly designed to blend into the room.


Good to know! Did you get a chance to hear them? I’m curious for sure. ProAc sound does it for me. (my room, system etc)

I’ve never heard them, or seen them in the wood, so to speak. They just look too weird. Maybe you could put a large acoustically transparent bag over them.

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Too funny! I needed a chuckle this afternoon.

I’ve seen and heard them (under less than ideal circumstances) at the Bristol show last year. The first thing that struck me was how large they are on the dedicated stands, so not a bookshelf speaker at all. The show isn’t the sort of venue to make value sound judgements, but they were ok. The styling isn’t to my taste shall we say? FWIW my Proac dealer had a pair for evaluation and wasn’t impressed.

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Thanks for the input Fifty-Fifty. That’s interesting that your dealer didn’t rate them given the love for their larger brothers by some forum members. I can see they look large for a standmount, but I currently use small floor standers and having recently tried larger floor standers, they just didn’t work. The D20r and D30rs wouldn’t work in my room due to sideways firing port, so larger standmounts firing forward would be on my demo list. Just need to find somewhere to demo the D2r and K1.

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Could you post a picture? How big is your room?

Thanks, David

I think you’re right to get a home demo and see how they perform in your room. I lived with the D2Rs in my room, tweaking the positioning and also appreciating how they opened up during the first 100 hours. That having been said said, it niggled me that the bass wasn’t as extended as it might be having heard the D20Rs. The problem with the D20Rs was that in my room the bass was too much. My dealer loaned me a REL T9i during this last lockdown and I experimented. Connected to the high level terminals at the back of the speakers and only using two of the cable connections (this tames the REL output) I got the REL to slide in that missing bass yet control the quantity. I was so pleased I ordered a pair of the T9is which were delivered a couple of weeks ago. An unexpected bonus from all this is that there is now much more air and soundstage separation from the D2Rs. I have the volume controls on the RELs turned right down (5 clicks) and you can’t identify them as playing until you turn them off. Then you notice.

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The room is 6M x 4M and speakers fire across the 4M. There is a French window in constant use, so I can’t bring the speakers out any further.


It sounds like you have everything working just right. I dont have room for subs and I’m not sure if be allowed anyway :wink:

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Thanks, @IainW.
Is that the only allowed placement for your speakers?


Essentially yes, its the only one that works for the setup of the room and the regular users. The X2’s do a great job, but I’m looking for an upgrade following what I heard with the Kudos S20 demo. Aside from the top end being too forceful, the increase in dynamics and soundstage was really impressive. I’d like that kind of uplift without the harsh top end and any bass boom from the rather boxed in location.


I think you owe yourself an audition of the D2Rs or even the Tablettes. The D2Rs do need a bit of air but I’d guess they’d work pretty much in the position of the Kudos. Mabe an inch or so further out? I auditioned the Kudos back in September when I was shopping for the speakers, like you I found them a tad bright. The ProAcs have a delightful mid range and detailed top. They’re also dynamic. Ultimately they have to please you. Enjoy the ride.