ProAc D2R and D20R

Looking at your snaps, I’d say a T5i or T7i would shoehorn in and it would open so many other possibilities. Just a thought.


I can sympathise with your dilemma here, having stuck with X2s for quite a long time while I built up my system to 282/250 level. They are great speakers for the price, but much as I enjoyed them, they are really out of their depth at this level, and it was mainly their diminutive size that stopped me from parting with them.
I eventually settled on a pair of Shahinian Arc 2s, which I can only describe as a massive upgrade in all areas over the X2s. They are also conveniently small and don’t visually impose in the way that most modern tower style floorstanders do, albeit that they are a little unconventional. Shorter than the X2s, but wider. A pair of Compass 2s might be a neater fit in your space.

Not that there’s anything wrong with Proacs, of course!

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Thanks ChrisSU, I’ll see if I can get an audition.

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