Qobuz login not working

Can’t login with Qobuz via Naim App. Is there a problem?

Are you logged into Qobuz on other devices too? If so, you may have exceeded the limit allowed on your account, in which case try logging out on another device.

Not logged in on any devices. Cann access via PC using a web browser but all apps on Apple say login incorrect.

My NDX 2 is hardwired into the BT Router and I have a BT WholeHome set up to connect to devices around the home via WiFi. I can no longer login to the Qobuz and Naim App on iOS. I can login to Qobuz on my PC without a problem.

All seems fine to me.

I’ve just had a look to see, the Naim app is working fine on my IOS 13.6 IPad, and I tried Qobuz through it successfully to my Nova. That’s in the U.K. Sorry, the only thing I can suggest is the usual restart the app, streamer and maybe your home network.

Are you still logged in on the browser? That would still count as a device used by your Qobuz account. I would try logging out of that, then log out on the Naim app, then log back in.

Sorted and thanks. Disconnected all devices save one. I can’t see an option on the Qobuz settings to authorise or remove individual devices.

Glad to hear you’re up and running. I don’t think there’s any need to authorise a device or app beyond just logging in or out. It’s just worth knowing the number of devices your Qobuz account allows, especially if you have multiple devices or other family members using it.

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