Qobuz logo not showing?

Can anyone help please? The Qobuz logo not showing on my Nova home screen? Spotify does, so why not Qobuz? My dealer told me to make room by disabling some of the Digital and Analogue inputs that I don’t use, I did that and enabled Qobuz, but it still doesn’t show. I have the Nova app on my phone and it shows there, so why not the Uniti screen?

You cannot control Qobuz (or Tidal and Server inputs) with the remote control/front panel, only with the app, so there’s no point in putting the logo on the screen.


Many thanks for explaining that ChrisSu, I wish that my dealer had told me, it would have saved me some messing about. Odd that Naim have that facility for Spotify but not Tidal or Qobuz though.

See first sentence; if your device supports Spotify connect, then you have to put the logo.

You can’t actually control Spotify from the front panel or the Naim app, only from the Spotify app, I’m guessing that it’s only their to keep Spotify happy.

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