Qobuz / Superuniti disappointment - alternatives?

We finally got Qobuz in Canada! Excitement!
But I have a Superuniti. Disappointment!
(I CAN play it through by BlueOS/Node/Pulse 2i)

Sadly, I’ve found that I can’t stream directly to the SU from either BlueOS or the Qobuz app…and there seem to be two inconclusive threads here as to alternatives.

Just wondering if anyone has found an alternative methodology, or even if I can save Qobuz files to my NAS (don’t know yet if this is possible), would I be able to then play them via the Naim App (or any other UPnP app - I’ve used Minim for ever).

I’m kinda bummed now.

It’s been a while for me but doesn’t the Node have a digital out? Should connect to the digital in on the amp.

To save files you need to purchase the downloads and you need to get some UPnP-server running on the NAS.

By now there has to be a million ways of getting qobuz to play out an amplifier.

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Try MconnectHD on an iPad, works very well for me with a Superuniti, worth a punt at such a low cost…assuming you have an iPad of course?

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I got myself a Wiim pro and connect it to the SuperUnity via toslink, means not using the Wiim’s (suposedly mediocre) DAC. Works all right, but honestly, Qobuz is not any better than Tidal to me.
So now I only use the Wiim to get high-res internet radio streams into the SuperUniti.

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I have the Wiim Mini. I use it as a streamer via toslink to my dac. It’s great for RadioParadise flac streams and Tidal/Spotify connect. Using the Wiim app you also have access to Qobuz
It’s a super deal, I don’t use the built-in dac, I would not expect it to be the best but probably OK if used in your secondary system.

Hi, I am in Canada too, and was excited to hear what all the fuss was about with Qobuz over Tidal. Unfortunately I am in an apartment building, so I am limited by my internet provider as to the quality of my service. The provider I use does not have high speed fibre to my building.
When I try to play High-res files on my Lumin P1 they stutter/buffer.
This has me limited to CD quality streams until I can find an upgraded service.
At least with Tidal I could play MQA, which did not buffer, and is fully supported on my Lumin.
For now I do not hear any upgrade over Tidal.
At least my streamer plays both natively, so not in the same boat as you.
Another thing Tidal has over Qobuz is it supports Tidal connect, which you only need a phone to use.

Indeed. Until we were recently upgraded to a full fibre connection we were on an 11Mb ADSL service and that was enough to stream 24/192 from Qobuz with no stuttering.

I know it does not necessarily have to be fibre, but at least high speed might help. My internet comes through the old phone line jack.
I also can not stream 4K video to my brand new Samsung TV, I get buffering with that too.
Not sure what my options are, I have not had time to look into it yet.

Ah - have found the problem and the answer. I have both a Bluesound Node and a Pulse 2i…but had them conjoined in BlueOS as a “group”. Once I undid the group I could play separately to the Pulse and then “transfer” the signal to the other player…the Node, which is connected via TOSlink to the SU. Plays fine…with a curiosity:

CD plays perfectly.
HR plays perfectly…but not always. I get a ticking sound on some HR songs - similar to a dusty vinyl record. Suspect this is a translation glitch but don’t know what to look for or how to test yet.

Don’t rely on ISP equipment if that’s what you have. Get your own and get a decent router. I used Unifi routers for years with ~30-50Mbps services and had no problems other than super high-res streams from Radio Paradise which tended to drop out here and there.

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Do yo know what broadband speed you are getting? Who is your ISP?

There’s quite a few options. In order of cost.

  1. MConnect App
  2. Bubble App
  3. Bubble UPnP server
  4. Roon

I use Roon on a N272.

Cos you may need something to run it on.

Indeed but most people already have a phone/tablet to use their streamer so no extra expense with app based solutions.

You need something like a Synology NAS or computer to run BubbleUPnP server as well as a phone or tablet to run a control app. Options 1 or 2 just need the phone or tablet.

No I do not know the speed, my Laptop died recently (fan error). My ISP is a local company in Windsor Ontario, which I highly doubt you would know anything about.(MNSI)

Two versions of MConnect are free. I thought it was a bit crappy but others seemed to like it. I just provided some options for the OP to stream Qobuz.

Their speeds are (according to their website) between 15 Mbps and 1 GBps. This is a rather wide range. Go to speedtest.net on your browser and run a few tests. Report download speeds back and maybe we can figure out whether it’s your base internet or your internal system.

Best if you can check from a PC wired connection…this eliminates bad WiFi issues. Some routers offer a speed check as well directly from their interface if you log in to it.

Unfortunately their higher speeds end right before my apartment building. I called them a while back to see if they plan on increasing the speed at my building, they said not anytime soon, maybe in a few years.
I was thinking of asking my building manager if she knows any providers in the building with higher speeds.
Can I do that speedtest thing with an I pad , because my laptop no longer works?