Quality Non-Audiophile Mains Block

Filter Schmilter. :-1:t2:

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Please expand on this sceptical comment. :slightly_smiling_face:

No filter keep it real. :roll_eyes:

Can’t beat a no-nonsense hydra for audiophile extravaganza avoidance.


Yes a TNT Hydra much better than others. :+1:t2:

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I would loved to have a Chord M6 in my system, but unfortunately they are quite expensive.

(Pictures from my dealer’s visit to Chord a few weeks ago)

I attended most of a long demo of EM noise reduction technologies by Chord at the recent Northwest audio show.

The main presenter made a similar claim: that the ‘Aray’ technology in Chord UK mains plugs have a generalised positive effect on sound quality even when they are just plugged into a mains socket that is near your hi-fi system.

Those three silver canisters in the M6 are each, according to the Chord representative mentioned in my previous post, effectively the same as one Chord ‘GroundAray’ unit.

“…a next-generation high-frequency, noise-reduction device that connects to unused sockets on hi-fi and/or audiovisual equipment providing a low-impedance route for HF noise to pass through, directly improving the noise floor of the ‘host’ product.”

Apologies for drift into Audiophile mains blocks.

[In the above picture, it’s hard to tell whether that’s a shadow from the man’s hand on his trousers, or whether he’s overexcited about the Aray technology. :slightly_smiling_face:]

I recently came across this Makro Audio power block which is made in Germany. It seems to tick all the boxes and is very reasonably priced too.


Is that star wired?

I thought the OP was not asking about mains blocks for the hifi itself? That’s another matter!:slight_smile:

As for having filters connected nearby, I believe the more sophisticated passive ones (such as the Chord groundarays or similar) may have an impact as they are designed to “suck” noise in but I would not think that this applies in any really perceptible way to the inline basic filters such as the Tacima (when connected somewhere else in the house)

Thanks, I always wanted to take a peek in one of those - so 3 groundarays with busbars? hm?

Excitement about the money he will make. :rofl:

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Now that really is sceptical, Skeptical.

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Aray means.
Name Aray or (no variations) means Golden .
Person with name Aray may have an innovative mind.
Make your own mind up. :crazy_face:

Sorry Jim, I should have said, had a negative effect on SQ. Naim really didn’t like them at all. But of course everyones setup, and mains supply is different.

I wish I had noticed that talk, would have been interesting. At least with most of these expensive blocks you can generally return if they dont have a positive effect.

No its RADIAL wired, but if it keeps you happy, then (sigh) its star wired. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The 3 core input cable L,N & E wires each connect to the L,N & E copper bars which are each a single L. N or E single connection point.
The x6 output cables are radial out from each of the connection bars


Do you think star wiring vs radial wiring is irrelevant to the effect on SQ of mains power blocks in Naim systems?

No ! Radial and star are the same, both radiate out from a central point.
The terms used relate to either power systems with radial and with signal/electronics it’s star.

But don’t take this too seriously, it’s my leg pull.

Sorry, I’m being dim!

The radials go from the centre to the edge as the radius does.