Quality Non-Audiophile Mains Block

My mains block is working fine. Adds a hint of warmth…


I still have one of those in the loft must be 30 years old

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Not sure I understand your question Jim.
But to describe it another way ……
The copper bars are each a single point connection, the radial (star) centre point.
They may be a long(ish) bar, the wire connections may be a few cm apart, but electrically they are just the same as a single junction terminal.

Just about burned in then :smile: :+1:


Yes, that makes sense.

Thanks, Mike.

(My comment above was just to note that I should’ve realised from the names that star and radial are the same pattern.)

Like the spokes on a bike wheel.

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SurgeX ,ZeroSurge

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A Hydra is a top choice for your Naim boxes imho, ahead of even much more expensive power blocks.

However, if you want something for all the sundry non-Naim bits, that is not a Hydra’s job and that Olsen strip ( or any robust and un-switched choice from eBay) looks a good choice for this.

To my ear, spending a bit on a dedicated spur/radial supply from meter to hifi is much better VFM than spending lots on a super-duper power block.


Grahams HiFi in London used to make decent ones to your required number of sockets. Definitely worth a try.


Hi @JimDog
I’ve got round to mounting them on a wooden plinth and do prefer it thanks for the prod. :wink: :+1:t2:


What makes you have this opinion?

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People I trust at 2 hifi shops were asked what they used themselves. Those with multiple Naim boxes (4 people) all say they use a Hydra, including 1 who has never had a Grahams connection.

In addition, I was asking about Powerlines and whether I would hear a benefit. People who could have charged me a large sum for a collection of Powerlines in 2 shops suggested that I would not be able to hear a benefit with separate Powerlines and that my old Hydra was all I would need.

However, people in 3 shops suggested strongly that a dedicated mains supply from meter to (un-switched) sockets would be a step up versus my house ring-main, despite their not offering it. They were right- total cost less than £650 to a good electrician.

I had the hifi for Tasmania here for months before shipping so was able to compare ring mains versus dedicated supply and separate standard Naim power cables versus Hydra in 2 mostly-olive systems in one house. Using 3 sets of ears supported the advice I was given, though I was the only one who knew which was which when comparing.

I was also advised to use the Hydra only for the Naim kit. I have since checked that using 1 leg to power the Radikal is indeed a very bad idea - supply for that should be as far removed from the Naim box supply as possible, at least in my house.

The consensus seems to be that Naim boxes get more benefit from star-earthing together than from impressive looking and ultra-expensive power supply options.

Had I just had 1 or 2 Naim boxes, I am told Powerlines would have been well worth trying.

One shop that used to sell esoteric power blocks no longer does so, despite not being averse to other gadgetry - if it sounds better to them.

I have no view on whether an expensive power block will make a material improvement with other brands as I have not asked about or tried that. I also have no reason to doubt the different experiences of people here with different systems and ears who have reached different conclusions after some blind testing of their own.

In any event the usual ‘give the options a listen yourself’ advice seems to apply.


Brennenstuhl makes quality stuff.

Did any of that involve you comparing a hydra to a much more expensive power block?

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Literally none, as explained, though others had effectively made the comparison and passed on their results.

I have compared to a non-hifi power block, and to separate Naim power leads plugged into dedicated sockets and into ordinary switched sockets off my ring main.

I am also aware that people here have recommended perhaps a dozen different choices of expensive power block options.

Some of these are apparently so good that they make questions of whether one has a dedicated supply or just plugs into the ring-main (or the age of one’s house wiring) or whether the cables from power block to Naim box are standard, Powerlines or something even more exotic utterly irrelevant.

In the interests of completeness, I should arrange for extended blind testing of all of them with all the various socket, mains and end cable options. I am struggling to work up sufficient enthusiasm even to get started, but I would be very interested in the results from anyone who does such a test with suitable rigour.


I currently have:

Into a MK1 6 way Powerigel
4x 135
Supercap 2 -Nac 52
Olive Supercap - Snaxo

I then have into crappy 4 gang:
Naim Dac
555 PS
Mutec USB to SPDIF converter

Would anybody suggest if a different configuration would be better?

Maybe two Powerigels or maybe a different configuration of what’s plugged into to what?

It’s hard to go wrong with a Hydra. It’s a decent solution for powering a number of Naim boxes. Quite a few years back when I had a stack of Naim kit, I bought a pre-loved Powerigel to power all my Naim boxes. Although good, it was a bit of a PITA. The cables exiting the central tube needed to be dressed properly so as not to impede the suspension which meant space around it and the block exposed to view - Not ideal in our lounge. I eventually got rid and replaced it with a much easier to manage, hide under the rack, Grahams Hydra with no perceptible loss in performance…

Luckily these days all I need are two sockets from a dedicated supply, but depending on September demos, I may be needing three sockets so have something to think about there. If things go to plan then I’m thinking of making a DIY Hydra arrangement for the amps, possibly incorporating some Power-Line components as they work really well in my present setup.


You’re a bit hampered by the 6 way arrangement for the Naim kit. My preference would be to have the Naim DAC and 555PS sat on the same ‘block’ as the rest of the Naim source / pre / crossover. Suggest one approach is all the Naim kit (except amps) onto the Powerigel with the 135’s on a Hydra. I’d put the SMPS powered Mutec onto the house ring - I’m assuming you have a dedicated supply for the Naim kit ?


Some say that putting the power amps directly to a wall socket gives better results. I have no other wall socket , so couldn’t compare.
As for 555 dr, I think it’s deserve the best attention to power, so the best power cable and powerblock.

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A Grahams Hydra is the way to go, but only for powering up Naim equipment.

So, for example, if your LP12 is powered by an Armageddon, you’re fine. If you are using a Linn power supply, you need to plug into an alternative mains outlet.

This is all to do with star earthing of the Naim equipment, which I know not a jot about! Ask Grahams!


Building what amounts to a Hydra from Powerlines sounds like a great idea. If it sounds appreciably better, you may get a lot of interest from people here.

Certainly, I struggle to understand how a distribution block can be a great upgrade without addressing the electricity supply flowing to it or the cables plugged into it. Equally, I don’t understand how running 8 or 10 boxes from a distribution block plugged into 1 wall socket from the standard mains supply can be consistently better than having 8 or 10 un-switched, high quality wall sockets (from a dedicated supply) with one box plugged into each socket.

My ignorance of Powerigels is almost 100%. As I understood it, a Powerigel is a star-earthed block (i.e. a Hydra) made with normal computer cables inside an aluminium pipe. It has been suggested that the material cost is maybe 30€. I think it is made by the main German Naim dealer (Music Line), and the price now looks remarkable. Have I got that wrong?

For now, I reckon it makes sense to focus on the supply before it gets that far - dedicated supply from the meter and better sockets (not MK any more?). There are threads here on both points. It also seems clear from our listening that anything that is not the Naim boxes should not be on the same supply - whether that is Mutec, turntable PS or a lamp.

If after that I wanted to go further than my Hydra, I would probably call Sean Jacobs or a similar specialist who really understand the topic to discuss it all in a bit more depth. My understanding from other threads is that he strongly advises that all the Naim boxes run from a single block, whichever you pick. I think he is also unsurprised that many of his customers have heard his basic copper and not-at-all-basic silver options and have opted for the former.