Quality Non-Audiophile Mains Block

I don’t think they make them anymore but mine is an MK1 Powerigel (which was a lot cheaper) and mine was second hand.

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Nick - Yes, dedicated mains is the foundation to all of this providing a low impedance connection to the incoming earth point at the DNO supply to the property. Most house rings these days have a number of SMPS devices with earth leakage current (usually due to the filter arrangement) sitting on them, so keeping sensitive Naim kit off the ring tends to be a sensible approach.

I find it’s useful to understand the system earthing arrangements especially when mixing Naim and non Naim kit as that can influence the mains setup, even when problems aren’t immediately audible. Naim kit powered via one ‘block’ is usually a good starting point and then experiment from there.


Thanks James.

A CU, A Henly block, a long run of shielded 10mm (or 2 runs of 6mm) cable and some good quality unswitched sockets all add up to a much less sexy upgrade than one of these: -

However, that costs over £3K and still needs plugging into the wall and the dodgy (at least in my case) and noisy mains supply. Spending even a little of that on dedicated wiring and sockets pleases me for miserly reasons as well as seeming to make more sense. So does taking the earth all the way back to the meter, or to a metal spike in the garden.


Yep. I’m with you there Nick. Get the foundations right first (subject to local electrical regulations in your specific region) and then build up from there :+1:


I can’t see how they can wear out, so getting yours second-hand seems a great decision to me. Also thanks for the correction about their not being made any more.


I always feel the best option for a Sean Jacobs block is a large silver cable into the block and then copper cables out to the equipment.

And one day I’ll order one, I’ve been thinking about it for a few years.

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The (homemade) Naim Block used at Cranage hifi show 2018.

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Thanks for that picture. :+1:t2:
Looks pretty much the same as mine only more sockets. :partying_face: :+1:t2:


I don’t understand this. They put the block on a fraim to reduce vibrations. But have 14m of cable laying on the floor around it… They also seem to hook it up wirelessly. What a mess.



Wireless 230 has a bit left to go :smile: I was referring to the router :+1:


Oops sorry I only seen the bit I was interested in. :sunglasses:

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Does anyone know - is there a definitive guide on here regarding how to set up a dedicated supply, almost like a spec I could give to a sceptical sparky? Thanks

Just ask him to put in a seperate spur.
It’s the same as the new regs for CH boilers. :+1:t2:

Type Dedicated Radial into the search function and it will take you to multiple threads, some with diagrams.

How much benefit you get depends on doing it properly (earth back to meter or outside spike, Henly block, decent un-switched sockets), but also the state of the existing supply wiring, what else is on the circuit, how good or bad your mains is and so on.


This was put up by a member a while back and used many times. There are multiple discussions on this forum on whether to have multiple radials (as per diagram) or a single one, then use a block after that. I have a single one, but suggest if you dont get your specific questions answered in the other similar threads, then please start a new thread so it doesn’t distract from this thread


I’ve got an individual radial for the system years ago and recently got a brand new consumer unit as we replaced the heating system and needed a dedicated spur to meet the new regs and the electrician was very impressed with his megger readings and said that’s weird about the earth it doesn’t go back to grid.
I said yes the house is individually spiked.
He was surprised. :thinking: :+1:t2:


Oh oh! There’s a genie out of its bottle and not going back in…
Who’s up for a Fraim base to rest their sparkly bottom on rather than a piece of carpet?

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Thanks for that - will take a look and set up another thread if required.

Cool looks just like my home made one.
If it’s good enough for them. :partying_face: :+1:t2: