Quality Non-Audiophile Mains Block

Well yes, I was surprised that it was US colour coded (not surprising given the cable manufacturer), but a check with a multimeter followed by a visual check confirmed the L&N conductors to be wired as per the US code.

Anyway, my original post was just to show the internals of the Olson block, but it’s been a useful sanity check !

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That did occur to me as well. A cable with a moulded IEC and 13A plug would certainly be on more solid ground I would think.

These four into one fused multiway mains plugs work really well . I used them in the past before I got my Musicworks Reflex and Powerline-Lites

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Yes they work fine and fit the description “Non-audiophile” rather well :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


I have never been 100% happy with the way I connected my 4mm/2 H07RN-F power board supply cable together with the radial wires to each MK double socket. The choice was solder jointed wrapped in insulating tape/shrink-wrap or some form of screw connection block with numbers of wires crammed in, all a bit lacking in quality in my mind.

I’ve now found what looks like the perfect solution at Amazon, a pack of 4x Splitter Wire Connectors, they are 1 in 4 out double screw brass terminal blocks., Build quality is good & the price is hard to believe at £9.38 including shipping, they’re rated at 80A & 1000V & suitable for wire sizes from 2.5mm/2 to 16mm/2.
Exactly what I need, the 3 blocks (LN&E) fit easily into the double socket box.



Not sure if people have seen Wago Connectors.

Please don’t take this as a criticism because it’s not - just pure curiosity/nosiness! You have an extremely expensive system there with obviously great care taken to set up on Fraim stacks. I’m just curious as to why you haven’t investigated some ‘audiophile’ mains distribution block or whatever? Incidentally what do you do about the Powerlines on your 500 series kit? Thanks.

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Be aware of that many many products sold on Amazon claim to follow a standard but in reality is not. Products related to safety I would never purchase from Amazon. I guess you don’t see any CE or UKCA on that product. Chinese made stuff made to be cheap. Nothing else.

I’m fully aware of all the various ISO, CE marks & such like. I used to be (now retired) part of the international standards verification process for my company.
That gave me a great insight into the various standards & false declarations. Also able to recognise a product that is both well made & way over spec for the application I’m using it on.

A few reasons, firstly is the cost of good ‘audiophile’ power leads are very expensive and i can’t justify the sheer monetary expense on them.
Also the way my house is wired from the grid; a meter in outside cupboard too far away from house CU situated in hallway which means an installation of a proper dedicated CU for audio would be only possible by moving the meter to a more congenial position, and that would really cost - don’t want to go there! :zap:

A new way of suppling the power to my audio is being worked on at the moment, but it’s basically a 13m long shielded T&E 6mm power cable from household CU RCBO to terminate at 2-gang unswitched socket for audio only. It’s a compromise but will be way better than the ring-main how it is now.
Other electrical works are simitainiously being sought to upgrade and improve household safety, plus an armoured cable to the garden shed.

Personally i think the naim Powerlines are over-engineered kettle leads that are exceptionally well made but offer a too limited benefit over the naim standard MK plug lead. In the interest of being cost effective and tidy i like the simplification of one double unswitched socket outlet, and with a hydra lead :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Incept or TNT Hydra not the other one. :wink: :scream: :+1:t2:

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I make my own then mounted on a block. :+1:t2:

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Thanks for taking the trouble to explain in such detail. I understand fully your problem with installing a dedicated CU as we are in exactly the same position. Moving our meter would be a nightmare. Apart from cost I just couldn’t face the upheaval!

Your view on Naim Powerlines is interesting. I have to disagree as we found them to be a very significant improvement both sonically and musically over a standard kettle lead. This with Moon and Melco equipment though, not Naim. When I had my Naim kit I used a Graham’s Hydra (before the days of Powerlines) to excellent effect.

Anyway, smashing system and room you have there, and lovely SBL’s. Happy listening always!

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I always find the best improvement for power supply related sound is a music listening session in the early hours of the morning; a considerable upgrade from day-time.
Although we have no control over this benefit at least it don’t cost extra! :smile: :full_moon_with_face: :owl: :sleeping:


A quality power conditioner is a likely solution to make the sound great in daytime too because that’s when the noise on the grid is the worst which affect your system more than you might think. For some more, for some less I might add. I have great experience of Puritan 156 here.

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