Quick question on converted NAIT

I’ve a NAIT3 converted to a preamp into a NAP90 second hand purchase, space has had me running just the NAIT as an integrated (advice from Richard Dane :+1:) with a SNAIC, doesn’t sound hugely different to me, now I’ve resolved the space issue I’ve felt a Flatcap with my NAIT made more sense than the NAP90 but is that a simple swap? If I get a Flatcap is it just a juggle of the blanking plug and SNAIC?

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Make sure the Flatcap comes with its SNAIC5 - you’ll need that along with the SNAIC4 you already have.

My partner has a ‘split’ Nait 3R, which is working well, using a SNAIC4 between its pre & power sections.

A FlatCap has been purchased for it, but the FC is DOA - awaiting being repaired/serviced…

Thank you, I’m curious, and I can’t ask the original owner what drives the decision to split this way, as I see it splitting a NAIT3 and NAP90 “just” means moving the pre-power into separate boxes and getting a small gain in output, (I have all the power I need my speakers are pretty efficient) they still share one power supply but I’m guessing had they gone for a Flatcap they’d have two boxes and two power supplies which seems like a better solution.

I think that’s the case, splitting then allows use of a separate power supply for the preamp section. You might then also buy a second NAP90, a cross over and go active, it adds flexibility. If you look at interior shots of the NAC92/NAP90 they really are just the boards from the NAIT3 in separate boxes IIUC. I owned a NAIT3 for a long time, but never had the budget, or the inclination actually, to go down the separate PSU route. Obviously now that two threads have been created on the topic recently I’m wondering what I might have missed :wink: (must not add “NAIT3” to my eBay searches!!)

I think there are 2 options for the Nait 3. The first stage is to convert the Nait 3’s pre to a (near) NAC92. The 2nd is to then convert the Nait 3’s power section to a (near) NAP90.

My partners Nait 3R has had both done. So it needs a SNAIC4 to connect the 2 sections.

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