Recommend your favourite Record & CD Stores

Indeed Dave is a very nice man and will gladly put records aside for you if you can’t make it down to him that week
Every Saturday he puts up a Facebook vid off new bits and bobs


SpaceHall - Berlin


Thanks for posting - that looks superb! All being well, I’ll be heading over to Berlin next year for the first time, so really looking forward to visiting this and no doubt other stores as well.

Hi,not a recommendation,but hoping for one. Are there any record stores in Coffs Harbour,I’ll be there one day this week.

That is very impressive. Berlin is a place that I’d like to re-visit some time. If they have record stores like that, you’ve just given me an added reason!

Wax Records in Sheffield
Warn you now it’s in the basement of Moorgate Acoustics so you might leave with more than Vinyl!


Glasgow - Missing Records
Boston - Midtown Comics
LA - Amoeba Music

Most missed: J&R - New York (was always worth a visit, along with the adjacent tech stores)


A legendary place - if heaven is like wot J&R was it will be a great place.


Great place - they had half a floor just of jazz. CDs, including latest imports. You could literally get anything there.

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The picture in my minds eye of J&R is acres and acres of racks of CDs.

Fopp on Tottenham Court Road - a massive store open for a few months before HMV folded was another landscape of CD racks.

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The original Fopp which seemed to sell overstocks at amazing prices was great. Just a branch of HMV now with nothing to really differentiate it apart from size. Don’t like the huge mega type record shops, I’ve no idea where to look.

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The original Fopp on the corner of Earlham St which is still going used to be a fountain of low priced gems. I would go over there in my lunch time and come back with a truck load of CDs and DVDs on a regular basis - I went in there the other day and either I have everything now (which could be the case) or they have gone off the boil (which is probably the case).

I came out with nothing, absolutely nothing - had to stop and think about that.


Raves from the Grave in Frome. I go to gigs in Frome quite often, and as I have recently acquired two CD transports, I expect they will be getting a fair wad of cash from me next time. Also love Clocktower in Bridport as previously posted by others, and Vinyl Resting Place in Afflecks in Manchester.


Yes, Fopp in Earlham St. was great back in the day and open until midnight I think. Has anybody mentioned Gramex, latterly of Lower Marsh in Waterloo? Great place for second hand classical CDs and some jazz. The proprietor, Roger, used to have all the CDs in no particular order piled horizontally on tables. The idea was you used to go through the lot and come across lots you didn’t realise you needed! He also used to offer you mugs of tea or coffee and also reduced the prices when you got to the till! Great days. Sorry, just realised this thread was recommending current shops. Gramex closed a few years back sadly.


Yes, Raves from the Grave and Clocktower both great. Do you remember the Raves from the Grave shop in Warminster with the basement full of second hand vinyl? Sadly, closed in 2021 so just the Frome shop now. Haven’t been to Manchester since 1998 but will search this shop out if and when I am up there again.


@AndyP great website. Fond memories of Virgin in lower Corporation st. Birmingham. Spent many hours listening to stuff on headphones in the aircraft seats. …and spent most of my saturday job pay as well.


Just looked at the archive site above and found this shop - a regular trip over to Canterbury for me.

Wonderful comment from some one on the site

“Parrot Records, on the ring road (A28), was run by a very bad tempered tubby guy and, I seem to recall, his daughters”.

I once started to look through a pile of CDs he had on the counter - Almost kicked me out of the shop.


I have the T-Shirt - Mr Trunk did a limited run of them a few years ago.

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Just checked that out - brilliant

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