Rega P10 arm screws for cart

No they’re all wrong to some extent, even Rega’s choice of Stevenson, which incidentally moves the cartridge further back in the arm. UniDIN (from the Smartractor) is a bit forward of that and Berwald further still. I’ve never tried Lofgren B. I found I could hear the distortion from Stevenson and UniDIN at the start of some discs and have returned to Berwald DIN, which for me seems the best compromise, I’ve not noticed end of side distortion yet from this setting. I haven’t used my Rega arm in ten years and my Aro isn’t that adjustable so these findings were all on my Schröder. set up with either a Feicket or Acoustic Systems SmartRactor.

Does the arm looks parallel for you guys ?
Because with the Lyra, it should be completely parallel, due to the New Angle construction.
But it can give a bit better bass if slightly plunging.

I tried to balance it differently, setting VTF to zero and turning the counterweight. Maybe now it’s a bit better ?

The VTA of the arm depends on the height of the base (spacer), not on the VTF. However you set the VTF (just with counterweight or with dial), if the VTF it the same, the compliance of the stylus will be constant, and hence its contribution to the VTA.

  1. Ignore the arm height, at least…
    2…until the alignment is correct. It doesn’t look correct to me. The cartridge needs to be symmetrical in the headshell and the outer side of the headshell needs to be parallel with the lines on the protractor.

I used a Rega protractor. The alignment seems to be correct.

With the 3mn leather mat. The set up was originally made with it.

The outer side of the headshell does not seem to be parallel with the line on the protractor

The final set up


…better…I think that the cartridge needs to go back a tiny amount, and make sure that it is parallel in the headshell

My last effort

Apparently a tiny on the front. I think I can’t do better.

Oooops, my mistake…I think that the cart needs to be a tiny bit more FORWARDS in the headshell…you are nearly there!

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Now you’re just being cruel :joy:

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That makes no sense. All alignments, on any arm, are only perfect for two points (arm travelling in an arc). The arm is actually irrelevant here, any alignment can be used. Arms do often have the headshell aligned for a specific one. In the case of Rega that’s Stevenson. As a consequence using another one will have the cartridge sitting not straight in the headshell, but that’s just visual with no effect on SQ. (Not technically true for S shaped arms BTW, but I doubt it would be audible)

@frenchrooster Well done for trying! But as mentioned, with your choice of music I’d consider trying Baerwald or Schon at some point. And now you’ll know how to revert if you don’t like it :slight_smile:

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Nearly there…remember, we are dealing with a precision device.

The arm is not irrelevant.
The parameters of pivot to spindle distance, (ideal) pivot to stylus distance and headshell angle mean that the designed for alignment is the only one that can be perfectly achieved. I do not claim that any named alignment is perfectly accurate other than at the two null points. This is a commonly misunderstood concept.

Pivot to spindle distance is of course not going to change. Pivot to stylus distance is a function of the alignment. The reported one is based on the preferred alignment of the manufacturer. And indeed will be different for any other, but not better or worse in any way. You can choose any alignment you want. The headshell indeed, as reported, won’t visually align, nor will the number quoted in the manual be correct. Neither would be an issue.

With a straight or J arm, that’s it. An S shaped arm is different as the reason for it is to have the weight of the arm equal on either side of the stylus. But the difference will be so minimal, and negligible compared to any straight arm that it’s unlikely to be audible. (Or no one would make straight arms)

I will try nothing more my friend. I have done my best. But thanks however. If you want to play with different set up methods, you are my guest. You are invited at my home.
But sorry, I have no 300 rare bottles of Scotch as @Mitch .