Replacement for my Tablette 10s

I have P3ESR lovely speakers with right music, need lots of power to get best out of them.

The same constraints apply to them as the Pro Acs

Audio Note AN-K sealed box standmounta. 470mm (h) x 275mm (w) x 190mm (d).

I realise that the quoted depth for these is bottom at front to top of rear of the speaker. I can’t find the actual length of the top sides anywhere. Could you measure them for me?

Of course. Just having a cup of tea in bed but will measure when I am up and about

Just replaced my Tab 10 with…Tab 10 Signature!



The actual length of top sides is 252mm with grille on and 243mm with grille off. ATB

Thanks for that, very helpful, grills always off for me any way!

Very nice I must say, I wouldn’t do that though as the differences would not be enough for me, based on what I have read of course.

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Ooh that makes me smile. Have just ordered a pair!


If you like the ke the proac sound have you considered the studio sm100? 25.4cm deep and quoted bass response to 35hz. Front ported so may be able to be positioned close to front wall. Don’t know how they sound though.

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Of all the options offered so far, the Neat Ministra’s appears to be the ideal candidate. There’s a review here, used with a Nait XS3. The reviewer seems to rate the combo highly

A bit of a long shot, if pushing the boat out, how about Kudos C10’s? I would caveat that recommendation though by saying they might not be the best match with a Nait XS, so would need to carefully dem first.

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Excellent loudspeakers but wouldn’t work good at 6 inches from the wall.

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Only two finishes, neither of which is oak.

Didn’t do my research properly. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

These are what used to be the Snell Type Ks. I loved these speakers in my old house. Fast, PRaT and walk through sound stage…however they need free space and really heavy stands. I mean a lot of free space. Maybe 5 ft away fron the fear wall. Great speakers though and these have fanstasic veneers, better than the Ks.

Could this be significant in the lack of bass from a very nice pair of speakers?

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Well, you won’t get low bass from speakers that don’t go low, but that aside certainly in the early days of CD it was common for CD players to be bass light - the first player I heard that resolved that deficiency was the Cambridge CD2. I assumed that other upper level players also would have solved the problem sooner or later, and indeed I would have expected more mainstream players to eventually catch up given tge decades that have passed. However, at this point whether the OP has a player that is light in bass is indeed an unknown quantity.

I think I got an excellent response to my post and can say that -

  1. If I change the speakers it will be to PMC 25.21, Neat SX2 or SE2 or something I may find after the Covid crisis eases. The Neats may not be a vast improvement sound wise but I think they may provide a bit more of what I want. The 25.21 certainly will.
  2. There were some interesting ideas, the larger Proacs the D2 D/R ( which I really fancy) , the SM100 – no oak though, Kudos and others. The Neat Ministra gets some good comments but is a bit ugly.
  3. A change up of amp to the Super Nait – I will also think about.
  4. There is no issue with the cd player, for over 5 years I used a Naim cd player that was never 100% reliable and just changed it having now a Rega and two Audiolabs of varying ages, I am content with these.
  5. A sub is discounted on grounds of size and looks.

So to all who commented thanks for the variety of views. I will post any changes, if I remember.


The difference is substantial. I demoed both recently and the difference in the mid range is staggeringly different. Just better all round to.

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There is a used pair of neat se2 in oak if you search around. Usually a special order