Replacing the CDX2

Thanks! I actually bit the bullet on the HiCap. I really was a lot cheaper than every other on the market, and especially SuperCaps, as I also did check those out. I’m sure they’re great too, but I need something to want still :wink: Looking forward to receiving the HiCap and see what that does for the system :slight_smile:

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I’ve listened to quite a lot of Rega back when I was able to frequent my local Audio dealer, and whilst I enjoyed the sound, I very much dislike the aesthetics. The older ones were a bit more tolereable, but the Isis really isn’t my cup of tea at all :frowning:

Still, I’ve already found the missing parts so far, it is now the wait for the transport, as that is currently unavailable in black, but that is what I’m wanting, to make it less stand out. The rest should be here in a couple of days!

Funny how we see things differently.
Their own to each.

I found the Isis a bit bastant looking, while the latest Saturn 3 is precise to my likings - great player !
I do have a Rega Apolloupstairs in a secondary setup, its so cute and pleasant performing.
Mind you I owned many Naim CD players back then, incl CDS1, 2 and 3. CDX2, CD5XS etc. all lovely players but I realized I would avoid the doorstop scenario and went to all Rega.
A good alternative, made in UK and fully supported/warranted.

I’m not interested in streaming and wouldn’t bother with ripping as many people seem to, I do however realize space is a challenge to record owners.


I absolutely get some people do enjoy the Rega player’s looks, which is great, otherwise everything would look the same :wink:

Rega makes great equipment, but I went to Naim quite early on and I find it’s just that bit more exciting to me. The looks are also a lot mote up my alley, so it was a double whammy in that regard. I do appreciate they offer a major warranty on their players though, very commendable!

I remember I purchased the very first Rega Planet CD player at release.
Friends laughed as it looked odd in their eyes.
After a listen session they were all fine, how could it play that good !

After a short period with Arcam CD players - they were good…
I had my first listen to a Naim CDi and was sold.
Both the looks and sound was tremendous, I’ve never seen or heard anything like it - cool player.
Then a CDS and…

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Around 10 years ago I wanted to upgrade my CD5. I demoed a CDX2 and NDX. Both sounded pretty similar to me. I went for the NDX in the end and bought a Core. All my CDs are now in storage and I’ve never looked back…

My new journey is now vinyl. Now that is different to anything digital!


I think I have heard the Planet and the Apollo. Maybe the Saturn, too, but not sure. I definitely enjoyed them in sound!

I did contemplate vinyl as well, but matching a CDX2/XPS2 combo would have been costly and I already had so many CD’s, I decided against it. I most certainly enjoy vinyl when hearing it and it’s probably more fun to hold when listening, too!

Maybe I had bad luck with Rega Saturn. I had two and Both stopped initializing the CD in short order. Also orange lettering on an orange LCD panel, makes it very difficult to read. The Rega amp was not much better, regarding readability. For quite a while we stopped listening to music. When a home renovation trashed most of our Rega system, we moved to Naim and have not regretted it.

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Perhaps you did! I guess that’s when you’re happy the warranty kicks on, although it’s a shame it was needed shortly after you started using them.

The display probably works well when it’s a bit darker, but if you want to use it during the day, I get it’s less legible.

Ordered the Fraim shelf today, as well as a Chord Clearway RCA → BNC. Should be all set when everything arrives!

I already asked earlier, but I think it may have been missed by most: Does a super simple 3.5mm to 3.5mm jack suffice to link the Audiolab transport to the DAC, and control using the NARCOM? I’d like to have a single remote to play music, keeps it nice and simple :slight_smile:

Also, it seems like I might be a bit lucky on taxes this time around. Great news for me! Since I did just get the HiCap, I was now eyeing potentially upgrading my NAP200 to a NAP250. There currently is an ‘old’ non DR version for sale in my country, which would probably be a great upgrade. On the other hand are the DR-versions. Since most of these are in the UK, import tax would be a big thing, as well as getting a new mains lead. I reckon this will set me back around 1000 Euro over the non-DR. Would that be worth the hassle?

That would depend on how old or serviced Nap 250 and what your speakers.
Many Naim poweramps use the same basic circuit with larger PSU as you move up.

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I would rip your CDs, put the files on local or network storage and buy a used NDS. Apart from being one of the best streamers in Naim’s stable, it will play higher than 16/44 resolution files, should you wish to move into that world, and you’ll get Internet Radio.

Much as love the CDS3 it’s time has long passed. The NDS is a kind of spiritual successor to the CDS3 in having a detailed presentation which times beautifully and has an easy going realism. The HDX is ancient. I ran one with HDDs, had it upgraded to SSD and was very happy with it until I compared it with Asset on a Synology NAS through my NDS. No contest. The HDX was getting in the way. Also, it uses Naim’s proprietary ripping engine which doesn’t tag WAV files properly and doesn’t produce files which sound any different to those ripped using dBPoweramp for a tiny fraction of the cost.

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It’s a 2012 version, don’t know if it has been serviced, but neither has my NAP200, so that should be on par. I’m using a pair of BOwers & Wilkins Signature 805’s, and whilst they could even do OK with my Nait5, the 200 was a BIG upgrade, and I presume the 250 will be a similar direction. They like to be played a little bit more…‘energetic’ from time to time :slight_smile:

Thanks, I appreciate your input, but I’ve already decided not to go the way of streaming. I enjoy the CD’s too much and ripping all of them really isn’t something I want to do with the amount I have. I did it years ago when I got my first portable music device and that was a massive pain. Quality on this is a lot lower, so I would need to do it all again and then some, since the collection has expanded a bunch.


All the best with it. In a perfect world a CDS3 would be a keeper but it’s more likely to become a paperweight.


It’s an unpopular solution on here, but I would go for the CD5Si
Mine sounds very musical, helped, I’m sure by using RCA in place of Din. Some say that upgraded power leads are a benefit too.


It would be and, to be frank, the value of the 2nd hand ones would have remained a bit higher, too. It would have been the next logical step in my journey at that point, but without parts, I feel everyone should stay a bit more clear.

I appreciate the post!

I don’t necessarily think it’s unpopular, but for me, it would invalidate the XPS2, which is an amazing upgrade to any box and I’d like to keep it. The CD5 was a great machine when I started figuring out what I wanted. Back then, I demo’ed one with a FlatCap2, NAC112 and NAP250 versus the Nait5 and a CDX2. The latter felt like the way to go then, and I’ve upgraded slowly, although in the last years, I was very content to where I was. I’m sure the CD5Si will be even better than the CD5 was, but I reckon the nDAC will be a better fit for what I’m looking for at the moment. It also has less moving parts and replacing the transport is a little easier than the entire player again. That said, the combination I found now is actually cheaper than a new CD5Si, and my XPS2 will stick around :slight_smile:


Interesting discussions here. I wonder if I should bring out of retirement the unitilite (my first piece of Naim) and use it as CD transport - just curious :thinking:

I have the NDX2 and Oppo 205 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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