Replacing the CDX2

Sounds like something to try! It’d be something you could relatively easily compare to you Oppo, if you have a bit of room! I’d be curious as well, sounds like a fun experiment :slight_smile:

Yes, should be interesting. I need to get a 4 pin to 5’pin cable first to connect to 252. Prefers 5 pin over rca.

If you want to use it as a transport, wouldn’t it make more sense to have a digital output and use the NDX2 as the DAC? :thinking:

It has analogue output only :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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BTW, is it a big SQ gap between Uniti2 and Unitilite?

Does it still work as a transport proper at that point?

Give the new Exposure 3510 cd player a try.


A 2012 Nao 250.2 isn’t Naims finest hour IME and IMO.
It likely sound fat and bloomy if never serviced.
A fresh DR is miles better.

That said your B&W Sign will be happy for a proper amp.

CD5Si is a later edition of entrylevel CD5i while CD5 is first edition of an entirely different machine - just take a look on google innards.
You end up with mediocre source and unbalanced amp - sorry but thats the truth.

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Bear in mind that the successors to the CD5 were the CD5x and CD5xs, not the entry level CD5i, CD5i, and CD5iS. The CD5, particularly with a Flatcap was a lovely machine that I found wasn’t too exposed by better pre-amps and power amps.

As you say, I reckon the Naim DAC is probably your best bet here, but just remember that it’ll only reach its potential if you feed it with a high quality source. It’ll sound good with just about any digital source, but it takes the best to make the transition to really making the hairs on your arms stand on end.


That’s what I did, though I have my CDX2 upstairs on a sabbatical (I have a Nait 50 so needed an analogue output)

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The difference in price would allow me to service the 250 as well I reckon. Not sure what that would cost, nowadays in Euro. So far, I found a 2 your old pricelist for UK service prices. Thanks for the advice, something to ponder :slight_smile:

As for the CD5Si, I guess my car enthusiasm assumed me to feel this was more an evolution on the regular CD5 :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the clarification in nomenclature for the CD-players!

And I’m sure better transports will prove to be an improvement! For now, the Audiolab was relatively easily available and even discounted, so that’s a good start. Will probably look into other options later down the line, so I can compare some transports at home :slight_smile:

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I didn’t realise that at all, thanks for pointing that out. I assumed the CD5 was equivalent to the CD5i etc.

Did Naim basically take both the original NAIT5 and CD5 forward as the NAIT XS and CD5x, and introduce the NAIT5i and CD5i below them in the range?

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What matters these days that CD5si can be serviced, others not. So, the question of risk readiness.

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Yes, basically just that.


Small update from my end:

The nDAC has arrived! It looks pretty :wink: Sadly, the Audiolab 7000CDT isn’t here yet, but I can now also connect my XBOX to it without the use of a tiny USB-powered DAC box that went from my TV to the 282. It’s a little bonus thing I suppose!

And I also went ahead and bought a NAP250. It’s the non-DR version, but after reading up a bit, I reckon it could potentially fit my system a bit better. The B&W Signature 805’s are relatively lively in their top end (and i love them for it), which might cause the DR to emphasise that too much. Also, the DR versions here in the Netherlands cost pretty much double as well, this was a pretty good bargain I think!

However, that can’t yet be used, because the HiCap I require is coming tomorrow! Looking forward to that as well. Again, it’s a non-DR version, simply because it costs half here in the Netherlands compared to a DR. Options for non UK-plugs aren’t super abundant and most people realise this, it seems!

The NAP250 has a warranty from the shop that sold it for 6 months, so I might do a big recap after for the 250 and HiCap.

All in all, quite happy with the nDAC which will shine as soon as the Transport comes in. I do hope my last Fraim shelf and Chord Company Clearway RCA to BNc will then also be here to make sure I can actually install it properly! Will report back then :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the advice and support :slight_smile:


And another update:

Almost there, as today, the HiCap finally arrived. After inally getting a UDB working on the nDAC, i could also play some high quality tunes for now! The interface to use it sucks, as as been discussed many times, but at least I can enjoy some music proper!

The NAP250 is an absolute beast compared to the NAP200. There is SO much more definition in the low and. It’s quick and punchy, as weight and heft, whilst also flowing like a river when it needs to.

The DAC seems to do it’s work well, in that regard, as everything I expect to come out does, and then some! It all sounds great and I have the biggest grin on my face and absolutely adoring the soundstage so far!

I do realise it’s challenging to compare with the bigger amount of changes than normal, but the overall effect is nothing to scoff at, to me! The fact that a recap in a while will improve things even further only heightens the anticipation, especially since it’s barely warm now!

Will get back to you when the transport arrives, I’ll be lost in some tunes in the meantime!


Glad you are happy

I hope the transport lives up to expectations


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Today, we find out!

I had a message in my mail telling me DHL was underway. Turns out, it was the transport, a couple of weeks earlier than expected!

Installed it after dinner, played some background tunes (already sounding quite good!), and now for the first proper spin.


Hope you’re having fun :star_struck:
Happy listening.

Time to update your profile :+1: