Retirement Rig

Well, you could buy the album. That’s what I tend to do.

Mind you, financial exploitation of artists predates streaming, so if I can buy from Bandcamp I’ll do that.


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I work within the music industry and I can tell you they don’t care about the artists. I don’t stream because the artist get peanuts - spotify did a shady deal with labels a long time ago. Buy physical product and go to live gigs and buy the T shirts that’s the only way these day to support the bands.

ATB Pete

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I know, we put on live concerts. I was speaking to a band last week when they played about Spotify and the rest. They get virtually nothing and I read somewhere that 2% of the artists get 80% of the proceeds. I’m sure people with £50,000+ hifis could pay more, but everyone seems to want something for nothing. How often do we hear ‘I’m not paying £20 per month’ for access to millions of tracks. Maybe people think artists live on air.


Where I can, I now buy new records and CD’s directly from the artist.

I have a subscription to Qobuz and use it to try out new music, often as seen in the What Ae You Listening To… thread. If I like it enough, I’ll buy the physical media. If I don’t like it, the artist got part of a peanut out of me.

If I were a recording artist, I would regard income from streaming as supplementary, and not rely on it as a sole source.

As to retirement rigs:
I started on the Naim journey with low end Olive gear, vowing to get to the top one day. For many years I held off upgrading with a 102/180 based system, but when I retired six years ago, I decided to finish that part of the journey. I now have a 52/sc/135 based system. I’m not planning to change from Olive, so job done. Now I’m trying to get my LP12 to a happy place before Mrs. G. retires in just under two years.

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Great to hear Graeme. Loved Olive but went black a few years ago 'What’s the saying :flushed: :thinking: :upside_down_face:

I hear you. I have 1000’s cd’s in the loft on a NAS which forms at least 95% of my listening and many of these were bought at a time when cd’s could set you back £12-15. My Qobuz streaming is mostly that content too, simply trying different versions.

If I find something new in the 5% on Qobuz I’ll buy it to rip.


Out of interest, why don’t you just pay for the download. Save on plastic! Bandcamp is even better for the artists of course, especially on Bandcamp Fridays.


Good point…old habits die hard. I’ll have a look at Bandcamp.



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it’s not that so much as suddenly a steady source of income has stopped (not investment income) and disposable income weighs much more heavily. Also chances are ,suddenly new expenses abound (health?) .For most , watching more closely our “wealth” on paper and actually see it starting to shrink after years of growth and time to ponder how long it will have to last means large discretionary expenses become much less likely or desirable


I think I’m coming at this from a slightly different angle as I don’t think I have ever upgraded or have any plans to in the future. I have acquired a collection of different and interesting components over the years and simply rotate these to enjoy the different visual, audio and user experience. The Naim systems, a 112/150, a CB Nait 2 and a 32.5/hicap/250 are all great in their own way and will be professionally serviced and used in retirement.
What I’m really looking forward to is maintaining all the Sony stuff. I have lots of boxes of 90’s components and when I have time in retirement (10 years to go!), one of my hobbies will be stripping down tape mechanism, multiplayer cd’s etc and keeping these things working to the best of my abilities.

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I am retiring in 6 years time but will not be moving further up the Naim ladder. The only possible addition would be a Stageline and SC so I can listen with headphones and not annoy the wife when she also retires and getting the house to myself for ‘serious’ listening will be a rarity.

I’m 53 this coming March and it feels odd to now be quite near potential retirement! (I hope to retire around 58/59 and that will mean moving to a cheaper area to buy a similar house for half the price to clear the mortgage!). Yes I’ve had quite interesting jobs but none of them are as interesting or enjoyable as getting up when I want and spending the day playing records, writing, playing guitar, watching movies etc!

My system (acquired gradually from 18-early 30’s) stayed static for nearly 20 years due to career changes and having a child but then when I turned 50 I realised that I hadn’t really got to the level I had hoped on the hi-fi front and so set about making a few upgrades. As a result I now have the best system I have ever owned and hope to continue enjoying it through retirement. Olive has been great for me because it’s meant I could buy the amps of my dreams in my teenage years quite cheaply in my middle years!

Happily I’m still listening to music as much today as ever and I’m going to gigs pretty frequently and buying plenty of music including vinyl!



I thought that was one of the functions of a good forum. To shoot the breeze and share and test ideas however crazy they may sound. It’s pub talk amongst like minded people. If I wanted investment advice for retirement I’d look for an investment specialist.

Sounds like a plan Jonathan. I have similar interests and have lived this lifestyle for seven years now. My only comment would be to include something physical every day. My choice is to have dogs which need a good two hour walk every morning, plus a bit of gardening and the odd mountain walking holiday. Without these outings I would find it a bit sedentary. Plenty of other options of course!

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Got to say that my self control slips more often than I would like :wink:

I have been steadily replacing everything so that when i retire all HiFi, TV, garden machinery, cars etc are pretty new. Trouble is i started 10 years ago when 60 and still don’t look like retiring and now the replacement cycle continues.

The big question now is do i buy another Atom before the price rise and re-purpose an aging Uniti Lite. I think i will…

It will be very annoying if we get an Atom 2 in a couple of years and i am still working!

I’ll get my 300DR this side of Christmas I hope and that’s me got there with 555/552/300 before retiring in a few years.

Next box will be a wooden one.



Hope you’ve factored in the extra for a Geen logo Graeme on that box :wink:


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