Roon 2.0

You can only download your own music qobuz and tidal do not allow offline access to their material except through their own app. Click on download link above the artwork to download.

Been using ARC for a week or so now and it’s been pretty stable and so much better than using steaming service. Also means I get Roon gardening as my Wi-Fi doesn’t cover all areas. It needs more of the full apps features but for a v1 it does what they intended. iPhone with DAC it sounds great, on cellular it manages the connection really well.


Not really many users want their own versions of albums this allows it or they are not avialable on services. You can’t download streaming services material it’s against copyright only their own apps are allowed to. Nothing Roon or anybody can do about that. Downloads are great for airtravel or anywhere you have limited or no data or internet.

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Always install the remote apps first before any update.

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Hmm what can I say, was like waiting for Christmas morning, opening the largest present and finding… socks.

Hey I’m fully aware that this will be amazing for many users so it’s great they did this. But don’t see myself using it instead of the native Tidal app where I can download what I want.

Plus it could not auto config my network to try it out. Soooo…. Do I dive into the darkness of my network config to make something work that I won’t use? :thinking:

Plus I can’t help wondering if opening firewalls on the port is not creating vulnerabilities.


If you are interested in the security stuff, there is a thread for that on the Roon forum. TL;DR: nothing really to worry about, but make up your own mind.

My ISP does not support port forwarding and I have been using it mostly just with downloads, and it has become quite good at that (though a full offline mode is still going to be added, I suppose). I love having my edited, correct credits and not the crap I get in service apps. Also tags, play count integration, and other niceties.

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Well yes, for sure its more vulnerable than not opening a port. It also seems you have a good router which has UPnP disabled, this is a good thing but you would need to manually open the required port(s). This is not terrifically difficult but you need to know the internal IP of your Roon server as well as the ports, which I guess roon has supplied.

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Settings tells me it looks like there’s a NAT issue. I really don’t want to go mucking around with my router’s settings as it’s a pretty stable device but no longer made and I’m also a bit concerned that I could open up a vulnerability if I configure it badly. We’ll see I guess.

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Sure, much in the same way as web browsing is more vulnerable than not web browsing. I really recommend the thread on the Roon forum.

Hey, you are back! Appreciate your insight.

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That was something that appealed to me as the phone keeps losing wifi signal outside, so this over cellular or a mobile wifi device might work well.

Have been tipping my toes in for a few days. We’ll see :wink: But this thread I couldn’t ignore

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Same here with the same garden problem, and it’s great to have at least some integration with proper Roon

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@Alley_Cat And in the local wifi it works without the need to open ports

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Is this remote access to your Roon Core over wi-fi and mobile or downloading files to your mobile? Having to muck around with port access and potential network vulnerabilities would be a concern, and I’m no IT expert to go down they rabbit hole….


Yes, it does, does it have advantages sonically over using the Roon app and phone output? On the face of it the interface is cleaner and simpler which is ideal as a player on the go.

I wondered if the need (from a post over at Roon) to set up the ARC app on the LAN was designed to prevent sharing of streaming service credentials more difficult as more likely than not you’d be a household member to connect on the LAN.

Both - access your local Roon core off your LAN on a phone via wifi or mobile with the option to download your purchased/ripped files.

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Can it be either? I wouldn’t want an open port on my computer, so would only download.

That should work. Yes, can download to the phone whilst on the LAN wifi.

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For garden use I’d like a few more things like bookmarks, but it’s a V1 and the start, not the end, as Roon keeps saying. I’m looking forward to that.

No sonic advantages, but you have the choice in Settings whether you want original files streamed, or CD quality, or lossy. So that’s nice on poor wifi for instance. Settings are of course independent for wifi and mobile data.

I don’t know, do you have to set up the ARC app on the LAN? In any case, IIRC you have to enter your Roon credentials, so this would certainly limit it to households and very trusted friends, I hope :slight_smile:

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