Seven Years with Uniti Core

Other than it sounds a whole heap better than ripped files played back from a PC with it’s inherent noisy environment.


Over ethernet it sounds exactly the same as our NAS.

And via SPDIF it sounds exactly the same as over ethernet.

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Yes, I was really referring to using a PC though.

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Yes, got you. Definitely a better option than a PC!

We’ve tried all sorts into our nDAC and the Core does have a very good SPDIF feed.

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I’ve tried SPDIF versus the Ethernet and couldn’t discern a difference, so use Ethernet to get the better functionality and album artwork.

Absolutely. We do same, with Core hidden well away from rack.

But as we only use it to rip, it’s mainly a nice piece of furniture.

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I thank you for your comment and I understand it works better in Flac but I prefer to rip my cd’s in WAV / wave Frenchrooster. So I am giving it my best shot to be able to achieve what I set out to do and that is to get a copy of all my cd’s in WAV / wave.

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Any suggestions? By the way I am using the trial version before getting the paid version. The first cd rip went well but now the others do not give me any metadata or covers.

I cannot comment with guaranteed certainty, due to changes to Core software and metadata suppliers, that the following observation is still true. However, having ripped my entire collection (+500) in Wav and Flac. I can say that the Core, at the time, found more correct metadata, when ripped in Flac. :blush:

Oh come on…!

The WAV vs Flac debate is one thing (and I believe there was something in it at the time with the earlier streamers, processing and unpacking the files etc and possibly the justified reason why Naim also kept the metadata external to the files)…and I have to admit I still have the preference to rip to WAV for my Naim systems (and ALAC versions for all else) …….But as for either format being responsible for pulling in more/different metadata, that’s a step too far, surely even for the Naim forum…! I don’t believe it works like that, it’s a CD lookup at the various music databases, regardless of final file format …and besides, it happens right at the start, before ripping has even commenced on the Core……


It does sound odd. I’ve ripped hundreds of CDs with dbpoweramp and works well. If you are not finding metadata then maybe the computer has lost internet connection.

Seeing as there was six years difference between the Wav and Flac rips. In this time the Core operating software and metadata suppliers did change. Hence my caveat, in my opening sentence. :blush:

In answer to the basic function ability of the Core, as mentioned by many, it has room for improvement. The hardware itself is robust, but like all computing systems they do not always operate as expected.
When bought years ago, I had severe operating problems for some months, unit just tripping out and rebooting on its own. This could happen every 30 minutes or so.
Still not completely sure about the solution, but the “fault” had basically gone away after improving my WiFi local to the room.
Since then it performs reasonably well, with the exception of carrying out music searches, it sometimes just freezes then Core trips out.
The time a particular CD decides not to eject (acceptable over the hundreds of ripped CD’s)
But why!
Coming back to computer operation similarities, the update of Firmware this week did not go to plan. At the end of the load up process it came up with “Error” message. The Core then could not be opened from the app. Eventually after a number of attempts it finally booted up. Just typical of Computers!
Have not recently done any rips so the metadata sources may have improved, from memory only one seemed to be available.
All up a system that works, but with unexpected operating issues.

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I don’t see a big business justification for NAIM to keep updating the Core software to “improve” the device (as opposed to fixing definite bugs). Same with developing a Core 2 - streaming is their core source business now.
But let’s just hope they can do something about the vTuner debacle from last month!

What happens with no internet, for source? :shushing_face:

It may well be…but not solely from the internet. As @NoNaim says, it all kind of falls apart when there’s no internet connection….
I believe Naim will always see UPnP and direct SPDIF connections as the ultimate ‘pure’ source……

I don’t remember the last time I saw the Statement demoed, or any Naim demo for that matter, and they used Tital et al as source……:wink:


The Uniti Core is the only piece of Naim equipment I regret having purchased. Too many bugs and malfunctions. It’s a mess ripping CDs with the Core.

I like the core looks, other than that for me is an overpriced not logical investment. Is a network drive with very poor software and poor processor, but looks good on a naim system.

Only one drive with no redundancy.

2500 euros….

I’ve had mine for over 3 years and apart from it disappearing every now and then (but tbh nowhere near as much as my QB2s) it’s been trouble free. There’s a few fictional things that I’m sure others have mentioned that could be improved but it is what it is.

Think Naim have dropped the ball in the IT department recently and can’t see that changing.


TBH Pete, I’m not ever so sure they ever picked it up in the first place…!
The predecessors US/HDX/N1x were blighted by issues and arguably fairly archaic even in their time…Before then, you had the likes of the AV kit: n-Vi, DVD5 and AV2 etc – Fantastic sounding surround kit (especially the AV2 – I have a mint one, still boxed and stored in the loft back in the UK!) but god, they were like an old Alfa Romeo, constantly broken down by the side of the road but great when you could get it started…!

IMO, I thought Naim made great strides when the new Uniti range came out, with the industrial design and nice smart UI on the screens, with all the standard modern ‘smarts’ that were around….but then, the Core was also born of the same hands and a troubled birth at that, which it hasn’t really ever recovered from……Which leaves me totally confused…!! :man_shrugging:

Things may have changed since the last time I went to the factory (2009) and perhaps others can confirm who have been more recently, but what I saw of the ‘Software Dept’ at the time kind of shocked me…! I was running a graphic design/pre-press studio at the time in Bangkok, and I can say I had more kit and smart space than the rather tired looking cubby-hole with a couple of cronky PCs that seemed to be IT at Salisbury…! :flushed: