Seven Years with Uniti Core

Maybe that’s the problem I’ve owned 3 Alfas, the first one spent more time on the back of a truck than it did on the road.

That’s perseverance :flushed:


Or stupidity. :grin:


I was trying to be polite, but yeah, repeating the same mistake - twice!

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Think we all seem glutton for punishment…!

Think the Alfas may have been more reliable than Naim’s choice of relays by the looks of things…:rofl:

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But the 3rd one was brilliant and you’ve never driven until you’ve owned an Alfa. Don’t know what it is but they have a personality all of their own.

Hurtful but true. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I owned eight Alfas before the last one finished them for me and I changed to BMW. Maybe that’s why I cut my Core some slack. It’s a lot more reliable than any of my Alfas were!


Yes mines never been back to the work shop unlike the Alfa’s. But the last one, the current Giulia was brilliant a very underrated car.

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Jesus – no wonder you’re the Core Guru around here…! :rofl:


They were lovely to drive, but I could tell you some stories…

For example, just to get started, the car alarm on one of my 155s didn’t work and it took my dealer about a week working with Alfa UK’s technical department to discover that being right hand drive some things were wired differently to left hand drive cars and the car alarm was off when it said on and on when it said off.

Now that is Italian engineering and manufacturing……No wonder they can’t often get round 50 laps on a F1 track…!

But come on how good do they make you feel (while they’re working). BMWs are fine but too much of that German engineering, they lack personality. :grin:

The Italians do some things well, if my memory of White Lotus Series 2 serves me well :sunglasses:

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There is a hifi shop where I live that is closing up shop and I have a day to decide if I am going to p/u the uniti core they have in stock (at a very good price). I have a 272 with a teddy xps and parasound amplification . Cds are still a thing for me but having everything ripped to a nas would be nice. If I purchase the core (and a ssd drive to put inside the core) am I likely to have a problem free time with the core?

Yes they work as intended they just lack a little functionality. I definitely buy another especially if the price was reduced.

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Mine works well too. It’s been problem free since I bought it maybe 4 years ago. If like me you don’t like wasting time messing with computers, it’s a pretty straightforward product.


I do like to limit my time on computers. When Tidal started acting up with legacy streamers a month or so ago I had my fill of trying to get qobuz to work via audirvana running on my MacBook. I was successful but i found myself digging into my cd collection for the sake of simplicity. The core would add a great deal of convenience once everything is ripped. How long does it take on average to rip a cd?

Probably 2-3 minutes. I think I have maybe 2500 ripped so far, when I buy one I stick it in the slot and let the core get on with its business. The new album appears on the naim app as soon as it’s ripped. Very very occasionally it might not recognise an album, and so you have to manually input the album name, tracks and artist name via the naim app. Probably happens once in a blue moon. It’s pretty straightforward, but my demands are pretty simple.

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3-4mins typically, though can vary depending on CD length and if it’s doing any error checking with difficult/dirty CDs….
Then of course any time you spend adjusting the rather basic range of metadata per disc, plus artwork changes….


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