Seven Years with Uniti Core

I can top that, had an Alfetta GTV that when you put the handbrake on the radio would mute… but only when the engine was at running temperature. You just have to love the Alfa quirks.

Twelve years ago, my last Alfa was a 156 saloon. It was a perfectly nice car, but I lost faith in the brand when the clutch pedal didn’t come up when I took my foot off it.

The dealer diagnosed that it was either the clutch slave cylinder or the clutch master cylinder. But they changed the master cylinder first because that was easy to do and the slave cylinder involved splitting gearbox off the engine to get at it because the Alfa designers chose to put it inside the bell housing.

Dealer “That’s £150 Mr Hendon. But turns out it wasn’t the master cylinder, so shall we now take the gearbox out?”

Me “Yes go on then”

So they got on with it and several hours later:

Dealer “We’ve changed the slave cylinder. While we’ve got the gearbox off, do you want us to put a new clutch in it? It’s another £100, but now is the time to do it as you’ve already paid us to take it apart.”

Me: “OK, I suppose so.”

The next day:

Dealer: “OK Mr Hendon your car is ready and we have given it a free wash! That will be £1100 please. What’s the long number on your card?..…”


Why not do it with wav files directly - tagging manually via database search with mp3tag software (excellent tool). that’s what I have done with some hdx rips.

Yikes. Our local dealer was pretty useless. It went in for something to be fixed and when I appeared to pick it up they said it was all ready and gave me the keys. When I got to the car I found the boot was full of detached panels, screws and various tools. So it was the complimentary tea for me, but rather a nuisance when you want to get home.

The car was a metallic light green and very lovely, and had a 1.8 144bhp engine to keep costs and tax down. It conked out a week after I got it and they offered me a Nissan courtesy car. I made a right fuss so the manager let me have his company car. It was bright red, with a big engine, the biggest spoiler in the world on the boot and Alfa Sport emblazoned down the sides. The front spoiler was so low it scraped on the speed bump at the entrance to County Hall. It was a hoot to drive though and I had a great time driving to the area highways offices in it. At least having the manager’s car meant that the garage was motivated to fix my own car, which they duly did. I’m just glad it was a company car.


There’s a lot more I could say about living with Alfas but it’s way off topic so I won’t…

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I’ve had Audi’s, BMWs and Mrecs all great cars (except the Audi A3 which packed in in under 15,000kms) none were as nice to drive as the Alfas.

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Just wondering which one is the Core…….Alfa or Audi? :blush:


Yes, sorry. :grin:

It is okay Pete. I need to buy a replacement car this year. So. I have been educated here, not to buy Alfa :blush:

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I had a Alfa Guelietta (something like that anyhow)

Couldn’t wait to get rid, thankfully a company car. I did not understand what the fuss was about.

Why do I see this screen?

I’m curious myself…!?

It does seem to happen. If you tap “More” then you get the ordinary screen. Or you can swipe sideways and get back to a simplified screen.

But where is it getting the radio info from David…? Is the App just getting in a fuzz and cross populating info from another (streamer) device…?


I assume that the app allows radio channels to be listed on any home page, but I don’t see my internet radio favourites appear on the Core home page, as you can see.

Also if you had more than one streamer, then how would the Core know which one to play if you were to select one.

So I don’t know the answer to the question.

That’s also an answer David.Maybe someone from Naim themseves(Stevesky or 110db) can explain this.

BTW, this is exactly what I see with the UnitiServe. I’d also appreciate a technical explanation.

I would have thought you will see a Radio screen with the US as it does offer iRadio functionality, unlike the Core….
I don’t know for sure, as I’ve actually never seen a US through the Naim App, have only ever used n-Serve….