Seven Years with Uniti Core

You wouldn’t see any screen with the Unitiserve because it uses a different app, the N-Serve app. But you would see the Unitiserve under upnp in any streamer.

Yes, that’s what I meant…I know well one uses n-Serve (I have a US though not currently using), and that it would appear as any standard UPnP server would in the more recent Naim App – I was just speculating if the radio page (which I have never seen appear on my Core BTW, unlike others here) appeared there as the UnitiServe obviously has the function…I didn’t know, as I’ve never looked at the US via the Naim App….

Just sharing a weekend experience…

I went to do a back up as I had just downloaded some new albums, however, the message came back saying that I had insufficient space (6GB left). I thought was odd as the internal drive had 500gb of residual capacity and the external drive (should have) had an additional TB of capacity.

So I plugged the back up drive into my computer and found the following;
Download & MQ (Ripped to Core) folders had artist folders listed as you would expect, however, no other content, ie. Albums listed.

Recycle folder had Download & MQ folders which contained artist folders and all of the associated albums.

My instinct (right or wrong?) was something didn’t seem right and therefore I decided to delete all of the folders, Download, MQ and recycle locations. I then set about creating a new back up which completed last night.

Looking at the back up drive this am I have now got 1.5TB off spare capacity, all of the artist folders and associated albums showing in the relevant Download / MQ section and now an empty recycle folder🤔 Also checked approx disc usage of both internal drive and back up drive and they are approx equal (so full new back up completed).

So not sure what happened, whether this was correct or not but thought it good to share…:sunglasses:

The Unitiserve shows its iRadio menu within the UPnP/Server input in the Naim app, including any presets you have saved. That of course is when you access it via a streamer, as unlike the Core, the US doesn’t use the Naim app.

I guess the stations @Beer sees listed in the Core page of the Naim app could conceivably be displayed through some weird functionality inherited from the US, although that seems a little unlikely despite the fact that the US software has clearly been ported to the Core in a modified and stripped down form, complete with vestigial music folders and other oddities.

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The software wasn’t really ported from the Unitiserve to the Core. For a start the Unitiserve was Windows XP and the Core is Linux.

But I agree that quite a lot of the functionality is the same, though at the same time quite a lot isn’t. It would be odd if the iradio functionality of the Unitiserve had been copied to the Core, despite the Core having no iradio capability at all.

One of the biggest omissions with the Core, must surely be compiling separate discs into one album title. I really find this hard to understand, without a technical reason.

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I think it’s because the original developers only listened to pop/rock etc music themselves and had no knowledge or interest of what goes on in the classical world.

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The converse of this is also not supported: Sometimes I get a CD which combines two jazz albums, and I really want to split them out so that the original albums and their appear separately on the Core list. In these cases I use dBpowerAmp to create the separate albums and then download to the Core.

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Thankyou. That was exactly what I was presuming may be the case with the US…

But it’s not just Classical is it…!!

I have hundreds of 2-Disc CDs that are Pop/Rock/Indie/Electronic/etc, be they ‘double albums’, 2 disc ‘deluxe’ editions, special editions etc etc……and then there’s Boxsets galore – a special pain to initially Rip and organise on the Core.
I’ve got all my Floyd Immersion sets still to rip on the Core (plus many other artist boxed editions) and I’m really not looking forward to the ‘pleasure’……


Good point.

I faced this just the other week ripping some Jazz ‘series’ CDs that once belonged to my wife’s parents…Ideally I wanted to ‘break out’ the albums, but that’s impossible on the Core….As you say, only way is to move off the Core, edit the metadata and move back into the Downloads folder….Not exactly smooth workflow.

This, and so many other and similar issues with the Core, all simply stems from the extremely limited metadata editing that’s possible on the Core via the App (and to an extent, even when you edit using 3rd party software and move back to the Core…the App is still limited in what it will display and organise)….Short of a few top level tag options ie Artist/Album/Genre, there’s nothing else you can edit, add or amend……

Software in 2024 hey, the mind boggles…! :roll_eyes:



I’m still confused about this whole Recycle folder thing….I’ve had them come and go over various backups….

I’m not sure the issue has ever been got to the bottom of…there was some posts back in May’23 and before of similar issues and comments that it was being looked at by Naim as well as the Beta team, but I’m not sure any official response or ‘fix’ ever came…? Perhaps David can comment.

I never had the issue for the first couple of months of use (though I had other issues in play at the time with the Core)…but then I noticed a Recycle Bin appear in my USB backup at one point, which contained 2–3 albums…though there seemed to be no issue with the Core’s library listing or playback of those albums….Due to everything else going on, I didn’t pay much attention to the issue….

Once I got sorted with the 2.5.6 firmware, I reinstalled my WD Red SSD, rebuilt the database and also started afresh a brand new backup to the USB external……I’m not sure if it was there from the start as I didn’t check, but having a look at the backup now through the Mac I see I have another Recycle folder (the contents of which is definitely different to the one I had previously) – looking inside, it has one album folder which contains just a single track – but the file is Zero Kb in size! Strangely, upon checking, the very same track is intact within the relevant album folder inside the MQ folder……So I have no clue what that is all about…!? Anyway, it’s just a Coldplay track, so don’t give a monkey’s if it disappears…!:rofl:

I’m not sure what we should be doing with these Recycle folders on the backups – are we good to delete them from time to time, just to keep things neat and tidy if nothing else….Some official guidance on this Recycle Folder issue would be helpful….


I’m part of the Beta group and tbh very little has happened in the last 8-12 months. It’s like someone has fallen asleep at the wheel.



Think someone speculated in another thread, but does make you wonder if they’ve got their eye, and endeavours, on another product….though regardless, it’s still lacking and a pretty crappy way to treat all the current Core users……

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I haven’t had any real issues but I do understand that it has problems that are (I think) software. I’ve always thought software issues are reasonably easy to fix, but there has to be a desire to fix them.

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As long as there are no Lucas Electrics parts in the Core I am good!

I would love to be able to comment but we have never been told what this about and although I could speculate, it would just be valueless speculation…

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Exactly, and I’d add that the software side of things isn’t a strong point for Naim. Even the main streaming app and display hasn’t really had much in the way of improvements for functionality.

There’s no beta testing going on at present and the last few months nothing seemed to have happened at all.

Apparently the changes we were testing are all out in a public release. As I said think the IT department is either working on something secret and new or Naim thinks everything is OK.

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It’s baffling.

There must be someone mid–high level in the chain who just cannot be bothered to action anything….
There’s ‘kids’ pouring out of colleges that could design and improve the UI and write code for this thing in a blink of an eye……It’s first world, but it’s kind of criminal how it’s stagnated all these years….and that’s after a fresh start post US/HDX/N1 ……! :man_shrugging: