Seven Years with Uniti Core

Maybe @Richard.Dane could ask someone from Naim software to comment on the issues raised in this thread.


I guess, the basics are there and work well for what they are. But the streaming platform has been around, for what 7 years now, and there hasn’t been much in the way of UI improvements compared to the likes of Apple Music, Tidal and Roon etc. A lot could be done that is selectable as options by the user, which you would think would be where the technology and user demand is now at.

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Has been for some time Mike…!
I was clicking preference boxes and tailoring the UI of iTunes some 20 years ago…! :roll_eyes:
And then there’s the Roon UI – it’s a different planet.

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Maybe I should just do a Mike_S and get myself a LP12….the Metadata on the Vinyl will be more extensive and accessible than the Core in 2024…!

How wrong they were to set Blade Runner in 2019……! :roll_eyes::rofl:


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I’m fine with my Core - I have no particular issues with it, but then I probably don’t ask more of it than I know it can deliver. I know some would like the metadata capabilities expanded, among other “wants”, and that may well make the ripping of classical music easier, but then metadata for classical has always been problematic.

If anyone from Naim was able to comment it would probably be @Stevesky but if there’s work in progress then you may not get anything for the time being.

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Thanks, Richard. I have only had my Core for a short time and I was aware of the likely complications with classical metadata. However, as others have pointed out there are many multi-disc cd releases in other fields of music and it is frustrating not to be able to put these together, particularly live recordings. In other respects I am very happy with the Core so far.


Thank you @Richard.Dane for the reply. However, as you pointed out, probably @Stevesky can only answer the questions, if not some commercial clash.
I can only supply three reasons, which some have already covered by some members.

  1. Naim see no further development of the Core software, except the occasional bug fix.
  2. Naim software team completely rewriting the whole Core software, hence the slowness of update releases.
  3. Naim have decided to no longer invest time and effort in the Core software. The reasons being they cannot get the performance required, as compared to other products without a completer redesign. Alternatively, a updated Core with more functionality, better SQ and more purchase cost.
    Please feel free, to pin the tail on the donkey to any of the above or your own X-File. :blush:
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When I first complained about this with the old UnitiServe I was told to just make lists.


Brilliant, hey…:roll_eyes:

I get confused why Classical is always mentioned as the genre that has metadata and multi-disc issues re metadata….It does, no doubt (though it can be alleviated by good tagging and UPnP server software i.e Minimserver)….but other genres are just as important to tag, serve and display correctly (let alone with user preferences on how they like this done and displayed) ……

If I rip a ‘modern’ (god, that sounds pathetic) pop/electronic album, say the last from Daft Punk, through iTunes, full track metadata is pulled in from Gracenote showing ‘featured’ artists per track etc using the Artist tag, whilst respecting the overall Album Artist for the database listing….Not rocket science these days and I feel really important and respectful to the artists and credits for the album at hand….

You can’t even add (or see) Date with the Core and are left with album listings that simply display alphabetically (unless you manually add dates to titles as a workaround, which I find visually ugly personally)…fine if that’s one’s display preference and you’ve ticked a box, but as the only option….? Perhaps all artists should follow in Paul Kelly’s ‘retrospective/bio’ footsteps and record chronologically starting at A through to Z ….! :roll_eyes:



I know if they can do it with a cheap mp3 can’t see why a dedicate music server that’s cost more than the average high speced PC/Imac can’t.

I only complained once as I was attacked by several members, made me feel rather inadequate. :thinking:

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Is there, anybody out there?………who is coding on the Naim Core. :alien:

So far with my Core, I just rip 1 CD (The Isotek Full System Enhancer), to have an idea how the Core is working…
It didn’t find the cover directly, but I found it.
Anyway, I like to stay in charge so I’ll keep doing rips and tags on my laptop, then transfer to the HDD.

I too have only owned Core for a relatively short period, prior to which I enjoyed an NS01 for ten years. I really don’t understand the problem you describe here. When you listen to a multi-disc album, it’s so easy to set the first disc playing then immediately choose the next disc and set it to ‘queue last’.

Not much point keeping the Core if you’re just using it for storage. Why not sell it and get an external HD!

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Thanks for the suggestion - I’m sure there are aspects of the Core that I don’t get yet. However, that does seem like a workaround. I’m particularly thinking of amalgamating live concert discs - for example I have a some 3 & 4 CD sets of Grateful Dead concerts - would your solution work for those?

Yes, just keep adding the next disc to queue last. You could save as a playlist, but in 11 years of streaming I’ve only ever created one playlist. I prefer to do the queue last approach. There used to be a limit to the number of tracks which could be built into a list, but that’s either been removed or increased. I doubt you’d ever run into that problem.

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I believe it’s still 500 Clive.

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There are in 2 well apart rooms…
I don’t keep anything on the laptop, and yes I have an external HDD but for backups…

That’s fine, and obviously what we all have to do in the circumstances….But this relies upon having multi-disc albums named with postscript [Disc 1], [Disc 2], etc…which personally I’m not all that keen on……

Common music library alternatives such iTunes allow the individual discs to be ‘Tagged’ Disc 1, Disc 2, etc…But the discs are grouped as the single overall album……A far more elegant and appropriate solution, in my opinion….


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Meanwhile on planet Earth…….people just add the multiple Cd’s together, to show under one artwork picture. If most other manufacturers can do it….well hell it can’t be impossible, unless this is somehow linked to the Post Office scandal. :blush:

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