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10mm seems plenty - in fact, rather a large gap…

I assumed they meant 1mm.

It’s about 5mm to the chrome bumper edge in reality (I did say less than 10mm…).

Inside the Hegel H190 quite neat seeing as there is a Dac and Streamer along side the Pre and Power amps.


Layout is not optimal to my untrained eye and cable wiring looks cheap. Cables crossing and even touching each other. I love Naim for this. They are obsessed in wiring.

Is it really no issue in having transformer wiring touching speaker output cables?

Well I’ll email Hegel and let them no doubt they’ll have someone’s head.

Here’s the inside of a Norma Revo amp…


And this was one of the reasons for this thread. Naim, and others put real effort into designing the inferior and implementing that design. Some don’t.
And here we go…

When I see " Designed in xx, built in yy" I usually have an idea of what the build is now going to look like.

Musical Fidelity stopped building most of their stuff in Wembley around 2004? And that is when their brand for me went south. Relying on someone else to implement your design is risky. Unless you have uber robust QA and QC arrangements, you will get what YY wants to give you. And don’t forget you’ll never see the work “trust” in any companies quality management system!


Unfortunate :slight_smile:


I think the Norma gear is really good, it tends to fly under the radar for most I suspect.

Best edit that!

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Definitely a low profile, especially in the UK. There are of course so many great options to consider, but I’d recommend Norma on anyone’s shortlist. I chose mine over the SN3 as it has many of the same key attributes, dynamics and PRaT, but with an additional level of top end sophistication that better suits my Marten speakers.

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I liked both the 70B and 140 when I bought my SN2 and still wonder if…
One thing that has me thinking is the huge number of fuses inside the Norma amps. There are eleven on the pcb shown above, more than in any other amp I’ve seen.

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It maybe wise to have plenty of spare fuses should something go awry :grimacing:

You actually get a set of spare fuses with the amp… hope I never need to use them.

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Bit like you get a spare fuse with naim. Long since since used mine on my xspdr.

I think I’ve read somewhere that unlike Naim, Hegel don’t do their own manufacturing. That’s all OEM. Not sure that’s the full reason, but could be a factor.


Yes i think they’re made in Taiwan, designed in Norway.

I was thinking about buying a Hegel at one point. Then started doing research into where they are made. They are very deceptive on their back panel which says Hegel Oslo Norway, trying to imply that they are made there. I found it a complete turn-off when I found they weren’t made there. So they were promptly dropped from my list.

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Those I’ve heard were a quite boring listen too.
Not for me, even I knew they were Chinese made, not all know that.
“Hegel Norway” and massive (spec) watt output does sell.